Chemistry, Biology and Ecology

Berdalieva Akmaral Makulovna

Head of the Department, сandidate of аgricultural sciences, Associate Professor, phone number: 8 (701) 429-42-11,, city of Shymkent, Batusynov street, 80A 

The department, which combines education and science, will continue to implement important projects in the field of quality education and upbringing. Highly qualified specialists work in the department to provide quality education and produce competitive specialists.Professors-teachers include: doctors of science (1), candidates of science (10), masters, senior teachers (8). For example, Professor Zhanalieva R.N., Candidate of Biological Sciences Eskaraev N.M.,  Candidate of Biological Sciences Berdalieva A.M., Candidate of Biological Sciences Muminova K.M., K.S.H.N. Saparova Zh.I., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Kylyshbaeva G.B., Candidate of Technical Sciences etc.

The department is graduating in the following educational programs:

The department carries out close international relations with the leading scientific and educational centers of the CIS countries and abroad. Most members of the department actively participate in international conferences. The results of research are introduced into the educational process and included in the content of lectures and laboratory practical classes.The department conducts a variety of research and socio-educational work. Students of the department take an active part in annual student conferences, receive prizes and are awarded for good results. The main task of the department staff is to provide high—quality education to graduates and help them become a competitive specialist in their field!

The department trains highly qualified, competitive bachelors and masters in the following specialties

  1. 6В01503-Biology;   
  2. 6В01502- Ecology,
  3. 6В01505-Chemistry-Biology,
  4. 7М01501-Chemistry;
  5. 7М01502-Biology;

6B01503-Biology. Bachelor of Education according to the educational program carries out his professional activity in the field of education.

— research activity: junior researcher, laboratory engineer, employee of research institutions;

— organizational and managerial activity: teacher-master, pedagogical moderator, teacher-researcher, teacher-expert;

— scientific and pedagogical: work in scientific and educational organizations (training in higher educational institutions (vocational, technical and vocational education), the introduction of analytical developments related to education, as well as the development of teaching methods.

6B05201-Ecology. Bachelor of Science in the educational program can engage in the following types of professional activities:

— organizational and managerial activities;

— production and technological activities;

— service and operational service;

— experimental research activities;

— educational (pedagogical) activity;

— project activity.

6B01505-Chemistry-Biology. Bachelor of Education in the educational program carries out his professional activities in the following areas: education.

— research activity: junior research associate, laboratory engineer, institutions;

— organizational and managerial activity: pedagogical master, pedagogical moderator, pedagogical researcher, pedagogical expert;

— scientific and pedagogical: to engage in teaching activities in scientific and educational organizations (university (vocational, technical and vocational education), to carry out analytical developments in relation to education, as well as to develop teaching methods.

7M01502-Biology. List of professional activities

— a teacher who implements an educational program in the organization of higher and postgraduate education.

— higher college, a college –teacher implementing an integrated modular educational program of technical and vocational, post-secondary education.

— research university (organizations) – a research associate implementing a development program and integrating education and science.

— in research institutes-scientific and pedagogical worker, teacher.

— lyceum (organization of basic secondary, general secondary education) — biology teacher.

— national park, nature reserve, etc. a research associate in the field of natural sciences who needs a specialist who forms a higher professional education.

— teacher;

— teacher-moderator;

— teacher-expert;

— teacher-researcher;

— teacher-master.

7M01501-Chemistry. List of professional activities

-sciences in the field of chemistry and pedagogy-in research organizations, senior lecturer, teacher, specialist, etc.;

— chemistry student, director, deputy directors for science, educational and educational work, educational institutions, general secondary education, vocational and technical education, special secondary education:

— the head of the workshop, the head of the circle, the senior educator, etc. In other jobs equated to pedagogical work in schools and organizations of additional education and upbringing.

To prepare competitive bachelors and masters in the specialties 6B01505-Chemistry-Biology, 6B01502 –”Chemistry”, 6B01503- “Biology” and 6B05201 — “Ecology” laboratories “Anatomy, human and animal physiology”, “Zoology”, “Chemistry”, “Methods of teaching chemistry”, “Ecology”, “Methods of teaching biology”, “Biology” are equipped in accordance with the requirements of educational standards of higher educational institutions.

1Berdalieva A.M.head of the Departmentcandidate of Agricultural Sciences
2Zhanalieva R.N.professorcandidate of Chemical Sciences
3Eskaraev N.M.senior lecturercandidate of Biological Sciences
4Muminova K.Sh.senior lecturercandidate of Biological Sciences
5Kylyshbaeva G.B.senior lecturercandidate of Agricultural Sciences
6Saparova Zh.I.senior lecturercandidate of Agricultural Sciences
7Sikhynbayeva Zh.S.senior lecturerCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences
8Asambaeva L.K.senior lecturercandidate of Biological Sciences
9Ospanova Zh.Kh.senior lecturercandidate of Biological Sciences
10Satkanov M.S.senior lecturercandidate of Chemical Sciences
11Umirzakova A.A.senior lecturer 
12Ungarbayeva A.S.senior lecturer 
13Kadirova U.Zh.senior lecturer 
14Berdibekova S.A.teacher 
15Kerimkhan T.G.teacher 
16Omirbek A.A.teacher 
Specialists invited from production:  
1Janmuldayeva G.A.senior lecturer 
2Salimova S.A.teacher 
3Pernebayev Zh.D.senior lecturer 
4Bernyazova M.K. senior lecturer 

Associate Professor G. B. Kylyshbaeva is the head of the Department of “Best Teacher of higher educational institutions” Mon RK.

Teachers of the Department were awarded certificates of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Saparova Zh.I., Zhanalieva R. N.

Teacher of the Department Aitbayev N. E., awarded with the award “30 years of independence of Kazakhstan!».

Awarded knowledge of Education-Berdalieva A.M.:

Patent and certificates for professional development


Білім беру ісінің үздігі төсбелгісі - Бердалиева А.М



The teachers of our university received a certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright.


The purpose and objectives of cultural and educational activities:

Awareness of the self-importance of the issue not only of education, but also of education at the stage of formation of market relations;
In a developed society, a young specialist should possess advanced science, cultural samples, and art. First of all, the spiritual human world, native language, traditions and customs, non-standard equipment and nourishes, and this can only be in the root zhayganda. Therefore, it is necessary to instill in students deep knowledge in education, to understand a serious word;
One of the ways to properly organize the educational process is to stimulate the acquisition of knowledge, i.e. instilling students’ cognitive interest, adaptation to the independent search for creative activity;
Explaining to young people that in modern social conditions they have a great responsibility for their future;
Formation of the student’s social self-education situation;
Prevention of the occurrence of various negative forms of behavior, primarily, such as the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, as well as the use of psychoactive substances, due to a psychoemotional state under the influence of stressful situations that are intensively and continuously increasing every day and cannot tolerate it;
To teach young people a new form of discipline, to show effective ways of developing stereotypes of healthy behavior, capable of responsible, effective building of their own lives independently;
Formation of spiritual and moral principles of future pedagogical specialists;
The main task of teachers, mentors of the group is to lead a spiritual life to a wonderful one.

The content of the cultural and educational event:

Organizational arrangements
Civic and patriotic education
Legal education
Events of interethnic cooperation, religious tolerance
Spiritual and moral education
Support of youth initiatives and creative activities
Activities to attract students to mass sports and promote a healthy lifestyle
Activities for the professional education of students.
Events to provide charitable assistance to orphans, semi-orphans, students from low-income and large families.

 Since the 2022-2023 academic year, the department has been working in the circles “Young Biologist”, “Young Chemist”, “Young ecologist”.



Academic mobility of a student is the transfer of a student to study or research for a certain academic period (semester or academic year) to another university (domestic or foreign), the mandatory continuation of the received educational programs at another university.

International cooperation is an integral part of the activities of the Central Asian Innovation University and an important tool for ensuring the quality of education and its compliance with international standards. This work is carried out within the framework of cooperation programs with leading foreign universities. To date, CAIU has signed cooperation contracts with universities in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan.

Within the framework of the agreements concluded with these universities, it became possible to implement international educational programs and projects, carry out joint research activities, organize scientific and practical seminars and conferences, exchange teaching staff and develop external academic mobility.

The main goal of academic mobility:

The main goal of academic mobility is to ensure the quality of Kazakhstan’s higher education in accordance with international standards, to increase its competitiveness.

What are the advantages of the academic mobility program?

This program allows students and teachers to study and carry out scientific activities in foreign partner universities. The academic mobility program is designed for a limited period, usually for a semester or academic year.

Participation in mobility programs gives students a number of promising opportunities and advantages:

* gain invaluable international experience in the scientific and educational field;

* expansion of professional knowledge and practical skills;

* get a useful language practice;

* gaining experience in teaching and communicating in an international intercultural group.

The University has agreements/agreements on cooperation between the Tajik Pedagogical Institute in Penjikent, the Research Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), Tashkent State University of Economics (Uzbekistan), Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan). The subject of these agreements is cooperation between partner universities to ensure academic mobility of students in the field of science and education.

In order to develop international integration, expressing mutual interest in joint scientific and educational activities, the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Ecology fruitfully cooperates with the following universities:

  1. Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute (Chichik).
  2. Bukhara State University
  3. Belarusian State Technological University
  4. Bashkir State University
  5. Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
  6. National Research Technological University “MISIS”
  7. Tajik Pedagogical Institute (Penjikent)
  8. Belarusian State University
  9. Nukus State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan).
  10. Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan).
  11. Research Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
  12. 12.Shymkent University
  13. JSC “National Center for Advanced Training “Orleu”.

Students of the Department of “History of Kazakhstan and Natural Sciences” practice at the Lyceum school №7 named after K.Spatayev on the terms, according to the curriculum, secondary school №54.69 , general secondary school № 66 “Kazygurt”, Aimaut school gymnasium №64, school “Ziyatker-bilim”, LLP “Orda-Kurylys”, “Ana-zher” LLP, “Eco-center” LLP, “Sairam-Ugam State Natural National Park” students consolidate in practice the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired at the university.


Employment data 2022

Employment data 2021

Employment data 2020

Employment data 2019

  1. General Secondary School №69
  2. №66 Kazygurt general Secondary School 
  3. №64 Aimauytov school gymnasium
  4. №54 General Secondary School
  5. №7 School-Lyceum named after K. Spatayev
  6. Orda construction LLP
  7. Ana-zher LLP 
  8. Eco-Center LLP 
  9. Мairam-Ugam 
  10. School of Ziyatker-bilim