On 14.04.2023 at 14 00,the Central Asian Innovation University with the participation of the teaching staff and students of the Department “history of Kazakhstan and natural science disciplines” held a seminar training on the topic: “Improving the methods of using innovative technologies in teaching natural sciences”, Ph. D., professor, Zhanalieva Rashida Nartayevna.
Purpose: to study the methods of using innovative technologies in teaching chemistry, biology and ecology.
relevance of the topic of scientific research :
a) study of the methodology of Natural Science Education;
B) study and implementation of new educational technologies in the educational process;
C) improving the methodology of teaching chemistry and biology;
d) execution of the planned project.
At the end of the seminar, the importance of studying the methods of using innovative technologies in teaching Natural Sciences was discussed on the topic of improving the methods of using innovative technologies in teaching chemistry, biology and ecology.
At the end of the seminar, the head of the Department “history and natural science disciplines of Kazakhstan” Berdalieva Akmaral Makulovna noted that today’s seminar has a lot to offer students.