RESEARCH WORK Research planWork plan for 2022Action plan for 2022Work plan for 2021 RESEARCH REPORTResearch REPORT for the second half of the year 2023-2024RESEARCH REPORT for the first half of 2023RESEARCH REPORT for 2021 WORK PLAN of the Scientific and Methodological CouncilWORK PLAN of the Scientific and methodological Council for the 2022-2023 academic year Collections1 volume Gum, NVP 11 volume of MNPC M.Saparbayev pdf1 volume2 volume of MNPC M.Saparbayev pdf2 volume RNPC stud2 volume ek, jur, fil, tue and dzcollection of MNPC 2021 Agreements on cooperation in the Republic of Kazakhstan Memoranda and agreements of international cooperation Business agreements research projectResearch positionPosition of the NMSWork plan NMSPPP positionSIC positionR & D Service AgreementsRegulatory documentsList of scientific publications recommended by the Committee for publishing the main results of scientific activities as of 24.07.2020Scopus Quick Start GuideMethodological guide for working with Web ofKnowledge, Researcher ID and Endnote WebR & D and MS Report for 2019, 2020, 2021Contests and conferences