In order to implement the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev on improving the quality of higher education, the leadership of the International Humanitarian and Technical University and the M. Saparbayev Institute decided to reorganize by merging. As a result of the reorganization, based on the decision of the general meeting of the founders, the Central Asian Innovation University was established on 02/24/2021. On 03/02/2021, the Central Asian Innovation University was granted a license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher and postgraduate education.

The University provides high-quality education and provides a wide range of educational services, introducing new learning technologies and expanding the base of scientific research.

The Central Asian Innovation University trains personnel in 15 bachelor’s degree and 5 master’s degree areas. The contingent of students is more than 11 thousand students, including more than 1000 undergraduates in the master’s program. The university employs more than 400 teaching staff. The average university degree is more than 50%.

The University has 4 academic buildings with a total area of 32 thousand square meters, one dormitory for 660 people, 4 indoor sports halls, 2 indoor sports facilities, an indoor swimming pool, a gym, a country training camp.

The university provides benefits for orphans – from 20% to 100%, large families — 15%, grants from the founder of 100%, with a full one–time tuition fee – 10%, for applicants who scored high points at the UNT.

It should be noted that one of the main goals of the university is to strengthen the teaching staff and all human resources, and it should also be noted that today the main focus is on increasing the competitiveness of the university in the domestic and foreign markets of educational services, participation in international rankings, training of higher education specialists in leading foreign universities (double-degree education). This is how joint educational programs are implemented: with the national research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration Engineers” (Uzbekistan), Jalal-Abad State University named after B. Osmonov (Kyrgyzstan).

The University educated the winners of the 2017 Universiade in the form of freestyle acrobatics T. Inkarbek; 3-time world champion in hand-to-hand combat A. Ospanov; winners of the 2018 Asian Games R. Yemelyanov, T. Yemelyanov, T. Haidarov, I. Golendov, O. Ananchenko; bronze medalist of the Tokyo Olympics (2021), world boxing champion 2021 S. Bibosynova, finalists of the Winter Olympics in Beijing (2022) in freestyle acrobatics Kalmyrzayeva. and freestyle Khashirbayeva Sh. al. Currently, the university is studying: universal single combats champion Muratali B., Asian boxing champion Dauren M., Kazakh blitz chess champion among girls under 18 and prize-winner of international competitions Sultanbek Z., Asian turon champion Kyshanbai T., Asian Champion in fights without rules 2018, 2019, 2020.. Bakirova A., Asian champions in combat Jio-jitsu Salihan J. and Myrzabekov B., Asian champion in kazaksha kures Tantar.G. and others..

International cooperation is dynamically developing in the main directions in accordance with the main objective of the Bologna process.

CAIU graduates have high professional qualifications that are able to quickly adapt to changing labor market conditions. The employment of graduates in 2023 amounted to over 70% of the university as a whole, including over 80% in the areas of teacher training.

The Central Asian Innovation University is a university that trains specialists of a new formation. The University regularly hosts international scientific conferences with the invitation of scientists from Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.