Music, vocational training and design

Niyazov Aidar Kambarovich

Degree, position: Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor,

Head of the Department of Music, Vocational Training and Design.

Phone: 8(702) 654-27-58, e-mail:

Address: Bykovskaya str., 54, 113-kab


The Department of “Art” is an educational, scientific and administrative division of the University. In connection with the reorganization of the university structure at the beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year, the department was reorganized on the basis of the Art department under the name “Music, Vocational Training and Design“. The department trains students according to educational programs: 6B01405 – Music education; 6B01403 — Vocational training; 6B01409 —Artistic work and design; 6B02103 — Design, 6B02101 – Fashion, interior design and industrial design; 7M02102-Design; The department conducts educational, methodical, research and educational work in accordance with the strategic development plan of the department and the university. The activity of the department is regulated by the normative and instructional documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the University, the Regulations on the Department and other internal regulations of the University.

The department consists of highly qualified teaching staff, which includes associate professors, candidates of sciences, masters and teachers

The Department of “Music, Vocational Training and Design” trains students and undergraduates in the following specialties:

6B01405 – “Music Education” (Bachelor’s degree),

6B01403 – “Vocational training” (Bachelor’s degree),

6B02102 – “Design” (Bachelor’s degree),

7M02102 – “Design” (Master’s degree).

Candidate of Arts, associate professor Niyazov Aidar Kambarovich is the head of the department “Music, professional training and design”.

The staff of the Department of Arts trains highly qualified specialists in the field of education and culture, including highly qualified professionals and designers. Including:

1 candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate professor;

1 candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor;

5 candidate of pedagogical sciences, 1 candidate of economic sciences,

6 cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan ,

1 Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan

8 masters, 22 senior teachers.

Educational programs taught at the Department of Music, Vocational Training and Design:

  1. 6B01405-Music education
  2. 6B01403-Vocational training
  3. 6B01409-Artistic work and design
  4. 6B01103-Design
  5. 6B02101- Fashion, interior design and industrial design
  6. 7M02102-Design

6B01409 – “Artistic work and design”

The purpose of the educational program is to prepare highly qualified bachelors of education in the field of artistic work who possess technological skills and methodology of artistic creativity, have the necessary competencies to carry out scientific, pedagogical, professional and practical activities in the conditions of the updated content of secondary education.

 ЕP tasks:

– formation of socio-cultural and professional positions of the future specialist, competitive on the basis of possession and formation of a complex of professional competencies;

– development of the ability to interpersonal and professional communication in the global space using digital technology;

– formation of psychological literacy, methods of physical, spiritual and intellectual thinking and behavior.

– personal development in the spirit of patriotism, tolerance, empathy.

– formation of research and entrepreneurial skills;

The educational program is focused on two specialized trajectories:

– Designing and modeling of sewing products;

– Design of processing of structural materials.

Degree awarded

Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01409-“Artistic work and design”.

 List of professional activities

List of professional activities of the bachelor of the educational program 6B01409-“Artistic work and design” :

– Teacher. College teacher

A teacher of “artistic labor” in secondary schools, a teacher of special disciplines in institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education, a master of industrial training, a teacher of specialized education in specialized schools; a teacher of advanced training centers.

 6B01403 – “Professional training”

The purpose of the educational program

The educational program in the direction “6B01403-“Vocational training” was developed in accordance with the mission, academic policy and strategic plan of the university development, taking into account the influence of the external environment and is based on the need to position the program as a competitive educational product on the world market.

The purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified, critically thinking, creative and functionally competent specialists who receive lifelong education and have the necessary competencies in professional activities that actualize the economy of Kazakhstan in the world and meet the modern requirements of the labor market.

Objectives of the educational program

  • The educational program is aimed at ensuring that graduates can:

– use the techniques of practical work on the development of the personality of students;

– demonstrate the organization of their work on a scientific basis and creatively carry out work in a comprehensive school;

-analyze the role of science in the development of civilization, the relationship of science and technology, to know the basic mechanisms of the psyche, the ratio of natural and artificial factors in the formation of personality, the role of culture in human life;

– use effective forms and methods of extracurricular work at school during work

-evaluate the social significance of the chosen profession and the basics of the OP.

– classify the basics of psychological and pedagogical science, methods of pedagogical research to the extent necessary to solve pedagogical, scientific and methodological, organizational and managerial tasks in general education institutions;

With these competencies, the graduate will be confident that he will be employed.

Field of professional activity

– education and professional training of students at school, lyceum, gymnasium, UKPK (educational and production complex), extracurricular institutions on labor technology and vocational training;

– solving problems related to the collective activities of school teachers and teachers, UKPK masters, parents, managers and representatives of production for the organization of labor, industrial training, education and vocational training of students;

Object of professional activity

– secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums;

– educational and production plants, professional lyceums, centers for training, retraining and advanced training of workers and specialists of the employment service;

– secondary specialized educational institutions, colleges;

– local and interregional career guidance and retraining centers;

– children’s development centers, leisure centers for children and adults.

6B01405 – “Music education”

Characteristics of the educational program

Characteristics of the educational program 6B01405-“Music education”

The educational program ensures that students achieve educational results in accordance with the requirements established by the SES, defines the purpose, objectives, content and organization of educational activities at the undergraduate level and is implemented by the university through educational, methodological, research, innovation and extracurricular activities. Considerable attention is paid to the formation of students’ abilities to set goals and solve tasks related to the implementation of professional functions based on the methods of the studied sciences, readiness to cooperate with colleagues and work in a team, the ability to organize the work of performers.

The educational program has been developed taking into account the needs and requests of participants in the educational process and the labor market.

The purpose of the educational program 6B01405 “Music Education” is to train highly qualified music teachers who have the necessary professional competencies in the field of pedagogy of music education and art, who possess multiculturalism, communication skills, are able to creatively and professionally solve socially significant tasks in the pedagogical field at the modern scientific and practical level. 

 Objectives of the educational program:

– providing high-quality professional training of future music teachers for secondary schools, lyceums, teacher training colleges, as well as schools of additional music education in accordance with the social order of society and world education standards;

– formation of a system of key competencies, as well as general scientific and special knowledge, skills and abilities of future music teachers;

-mastering methods of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, formation of psychological literacy, culture of thinking and behavior.

  1. Characteristics of the graduate’s professional activity

Types of professional activity of the graduate:

– educational

 – educational and educational

 – educational and technological

 – project


 -scientific research –

 – organizational and managerial

Objectives of the educational program (by type of activity):

 -educational activity: organization of the process of teaching and upbringing in music lessons, design and management of the pedagogical process,

 -educational activity: the implementation of musical educational work in accordance with the laws, laws, principles, educational mechanisms of the pedagogical process;

planning of extracurricular music work, music clubs, according to the interests of students,

-educational and technological activity: to apply innovative pedagogical techniques and technologies in music lessons;

 – project activity: development of curricula and projects on music and extracurricular music and art work;

-socio-pedagogical activity: creating favorable conditions and providing pedagogical support for the development and education of students; implementation of educational activities in the field of music education;

-research activity: the study of scientific and methodological literature; the study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience in music education; conducting pedagogical experiments with the introduction of their results into the educational process.

6B02101-Fashion, interior design and industrial design

1 The purpose of the educational program

The direction of training in the educational program ” 6b02101-fashion, interior design, industrial design” provides for a clear orientation towards the future, which is expressed in the possibility of creating your own knowledge, taking into account success in personal and professional activities that meet the requirements of employers.

2 Objectives of the educational program (by type of activity).

– Formation of the main professional competencies of future design specialists;

– Creation of prerequisites for independent search and research activities of students at all stages of the experiment;

– Ability to work with scientific and technical information, use domestic and foreign experience in professional activities, systematize and summarize the information received;

-The development of personal qualities of students, the formation of general cultural and professional competencies (project, research, organizational and managerial, critical expert, pedagogical), the development of skills for their implementation in practice in accordance with the requirements of the republican legislation.

 3 The sphere of professional activity of the graduate

 A graduate who has mastered the bachelor’s degree program in the direction of training 6B02101-“Fashion, interior design, industrial design” should be ready to solve the following professional tasks:

– creative activity on the formation of an aesthetically expressive subject-spatial and architectural environment;

– subject systems and complexes;

– information space;

-combining design and artistic, scientific and pedagogical activities aimed at creating and improving competitive domestic products, economic development, improving the level of culture and quality of life of the population;

– art education.

 Objects of professional activity of the graduate

– a subject-spatial and architectural environment that satisfies the utilitarian and aesthetic needs of a person (machinery and equipment, vehicles, interiors, printing, consumer goods);

– Graphic design, Environment design, industrial design, artistic execution of art design objects;

– study of art disciplines (modules).

6B02103 – “Design”

 The purpose of the educational program

In accordance with the strategy and mission of the University, the main goal of the educational program is to form a national model of multi-level continuing education, integrated with the world educational space and satisfying the needs of the individual and society, artistic and technological culture to create an information and communication and socio-cultural environment and ensure the growth of the quality of life of the population in the profile and increase competitiveness.

  2 Objectives of the educational program:

The educational program is aimed at the formation of the following knowledge, skills and abilities among students:

– improvement of creative, technical and professional skills related to employment in areas related to design engineering ;

– show a detailed, targeted and substantial understanding and awareness of current design-related developments;

– development and support of creative ideas;

– critical analysis and evaluation of information;

– demonstration of visual and aesthetic awareness;

– problem solving and decision-making within the framework of projects on their own initiative;

– presentation of ideas and design projects through creative and inventive choice and use of traditional and “smart” materials and technologies, methods and processes. The conscious choice of disciplines related to continuing education in accordance with the specialty, at the subsequent stages of higher education, form the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market in accordance with the opportunities that allow them to find a job in the specialty.

3 The sphere of professional activity

– Development of artistic and design (design) projects of industrial products, subject-spatial complexes;

– Technical execution of artistic and design (design) projects in the material;

– Control over the manufacture of products in production in terms of their compliance with the author’s sample;

– Organization of the work of a team of performers. Performing work in one or more professions.

4 Objects of professional activity of the graduate

– urban, rural, park ensembles, small architectural forms, elements of landscaping and landscaping, visual communications, exhibition spaces, equipment and furniture in the urban environment, interior spaces of residential and public buildings, underground public facilities, decoration, equipment and furniture in the interior, exhibition and trade expositions, elements of monumental and decorative and decorative and applied art objects in the exterior and interior, visual communications in the interior;

– designing clothes, products and their complexes intended for mass production, small-scale items and products, modeling of everyday and special clothing, ensembles of sewing products, accessories, textiles, theatrical costume.

7M02102 – Design

  1. Characteristics of the EP

The purpose of the educational program – the main purpose of the educational program is determined on the basis of the mission, academic policy and strategic development plan of the university, based on the principles of training qualified specialists according to the new requirements of the labor market, in accordance with the dynamic needs of modern society, critically thinking, functionally literate, possessing the necessary competencies for professional activity, lifelong learners who have formed an artistic imagination in the field of design creativity, creativity, spatial-imaginative thinking.

Objectives of the EP development Plan:

-improvement and improvement of conditions for obtaining a full-fledged, high-quality professional education;

-updating the content of the OP, which forms the main professional competencies of future masters of art sciences in the educational program “7M02102–Design”;

-creation of prerequisites for independent research activity of the student.

-development of measures for mastering work with scientific information using domestic and foreign experience in professional activities.

  1. Qualification to be awarded:

Master of Arts in the educational program 7M02102 – Design

  1. List of professional activities

– research associate;

– designer-constructor;

– teacher;

– teacher-moderator;

– teacher-expert;

– teacher-researcher;

– teacher- master;

– production worker (designer of concepts, layouts, objects of the new

    ensemble, product developer, manufacturer of project assignments);

– technician of the first category; 

– junior researcher;

– laboratory engineer;

– engineers of research institutions;

  1. The scope of professional activity

– education;

– science;

– culture;

– art.

  1. Objects of professional activity

– design and research institutes;

– workshops, studios;

– institutions of technical and vocational education;

– higher educational institutions;

– cultural and educational institutions;

– Mass media, advertising and publishing organizations;

– cultural and art centers, museums;

– professional creative unions and associations;

– artistic and industrial productions.

  1. Functions and types of professional activity

Master of Arts in the educational program 7M02102 Design can engage in the following types of professional activities:

– Training: trains and develops students; organizes the process of training and education in professional activities; conducts diagnostics, correction and forecasting of the results of pedagogical activity.

– Education: attracts students to the system of social, spiritual values;

– Methodical: conducts methodological support of the educational process;

– Research: introduces into production the results of scientific research, best practices, conducts experiments with qualitative methods, conducts information retrieval work in scientific areas, cooperates with employers, partners in the course of research.

– Social and communicative: conducts interaction with the professional community and all interested parties of education.

– Creative: performs orders in individual art studios and workshops.

1Ниязов А.К.заведующий кафедройкандидат искусствоведениядоцент
2Ажидинов А.С.профессорк.т.нпрофессор
3Утешева А.Ж.доцентк.п.н..доцент
4Кошенов Ж.С.доцентк.п.н..доцент
5Атажанов И.И.доцентк.т.н..доцент
6Тулепов Л.А.старший преподавательPhD 
7Баймен Б.А.старший преподаватель Деятель культуры РК
8Кайнарбаева А.К.старший преподаватель Деятель культуры РК
9Байболанова М.А,старший преподаватель Деятель культуры РК
10Абуова К.Е. старший преподаватель Деятель культуры РК
11Жаксыбеков С. старший преподаватель Деятель культуры РК
12Күнпейіс Ж.Қ. старший преподавательк.п.н.. 
13Жунисова Н.А. старший преподаватель магистр педагогики и психологии
14Жузеева К.Е.старший преподаватель  
15Оспанова А.Дстарший преподаватель  
16Уколова А.О.старший преподаватель  
17Давлетканова З.Р.преподаватель  
18Тилепова А.У. старший преподаватель  
19Айдаркулова Н.А. старший преподаватель  
20Пернакулова С.А. старший преподаватель  
21Жаксылыкова Г.А. старший преподаватель магистр педагогики и психологии
22Мейрбекова Р.Б. старший преподаватель  
23Мурзабаева М.А. старший преподаватель  
24Шуланбекова С.Б. преподаватель Магистр искусствоведения
25Кәдірбердиева А.Ш. преподаватель Магистр педагогических наук
26Ажидинов С.С. старший преподавательк.т.н.. 
27Даулеталиева  С.О.преподаватель  
1Мусаева А.старший преподавательдоктор Phd 
2Оспанов А.старший преподавательЗаслуженный художник РК 
3Жолдасова А. Ш.преподаватель  
4Демеубаева Ұ. О.преподавательмагистр 
5Нұрлыбек С.преподавательмагистр 
6Айболат А.преподавательмагистр 
7Алипова М.преподаватель  
8Жаухаров А.преподавательмагистр 

Students of the department take an active part in scientific seminars, conferences, various competitions, creative exhibitions and other events of the university, city, republican, international scale and other events: III Republican Competition-Festival ” The constellation of talents is the World. Creation. Friendship”, the regional patriotic song contest “Mangilik el”, the regional exhibition-forum “interior design and furniture”, the city exhibition “Altyn Kuz”, the regional architectural competition “Student Spring”, the city exhibition “Modern House”, the regional competition “Young Designer”, the competition “Shabyt 2017”, the regional competition “Arai – 2018”, the exhibition “The Great Silk Road”. Photos from the festival “Shabyt-17”:

On April 7, 2023, the Department of Music, Vocational Training and Design organized a creative Olympiad called “Onerli orge zhuzer”. The event was attended by students of the educational program 6B01405 – “Music education”, the educational program 6B01409 — “Artistic work and design” and students of the educational program 6B02103 — “Design”. 


Orientation to the future: Rukhani zhangyru, as part of the Address of the Head of State, the II round of the International Exhibition “The Great Silk Road” was held at the university. The event was attended by students of all faculties of the university, as well as students of schools in the district. Students exchanged experiences and communicated with students of other universities. The exhibition was held in an online format with the State of Tajikistan. Defiles with concert programs were organized at the exhibition. At the end of the event, the students of the department were awarded diplomas, due to the relevance of their work. In particular. Under the guidance of senior teacher Auelbekov Nurzhan Berkinbaykyzy Aiganym, Esirke Akzhol were awarded diplomas.

For active participation in the competition “The best mechanic”, a student of the KO-115 group, Naiza Aibek, was awarded a Letter of Thanks.

Askar Zhuldyz was awarded for his participation in the republican contest “fashion tower” during the practice period, leading students in the competencies “fashion design”.

Student of the KO-115 group Askar Zhuldyz in the sewing workshop of the college

A student of the KO-116 group Musagali Ainur Baltabaevna was awarded a Letter of Thanks from the director of Secondary School No. 2 for her active participation in the public life of the school.
In the international creative competition “The Great Silk Road” within the framework of the “Year of Tourism by Folk Artisans”, announced by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emamoli Rahmon, a student of the KO-117 group under the guidance of a senior teacher of the specialty “Decorative and Applied Arts” N. Junisova was awarded a diploma of the I degree.

For the high level of performance in the regional competition of young pop singers and leading cultural events “Arai-2018”, Junusalieva Alima was awarded a special prize “Miss Arai-2018”.

The specialties of the department are provided with a classroom fund in accordance with the requirements of the educational process in higher educational institutions. The department has classrooms, computer classes, lecture halls, conference and conference rooms, methodical rooms, specialized workshops, private auditoriums. Classrooms are equipped with modern technical facilities, broadband Internet and methodological stands. Leading teachers of the department conduct classes of circles in special academic disciplines and in creative workshops: including honorary architect of the Republic of Kazakhstan, senior teacher O. Has a workshop “Graphics and layout” Auezov, workshop of senior teacher Ospanova A.D. “designing and modeling of clothing”, workshop “vocational training” of master-senior teacher N. Junisova.

Choir and dombra classes are prepared in special classes.

Acts of introduction>

In accordance with the curriculum of the department and the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 (with amendments and additions), the state mandatory standard of higher education in the specialties of the department “art”, the following types of educational practice are conducted: pedagogical, industrial, measuring, educational (introductory, plein-air), Pre-graduate, the purpose of which is to deepen and master theoretical knowledge, expand the scope of practical skills and abilities in the specialty.

A student of group 120-14, Myrhmetova Zhanerke, conducted a technology lesson with 6th grade students (Pedagogical practice)