Today, on April 07, The Department of “Primary military training and physical culture” of the Faculty of “Creativity” of the Central Asian Innovation University held a subject Olympiad among students of 2-3 courses on the educational program 6B01404 – “Physical Culture and Sports” “New Kazakhstan: healthy generation, innovative specialist”. The event was attended by the first vice-rector of the University, professor Azhidinov A. S., as well as the teaching staff of the department and students of the educational program. The Olympiad was held in three stages. The first stage – in the subjects of the specialty included in the general secondary school curriculum; The second stage – in the disciplines of National Sports and National month; The third stage was very interesting and exciting in the disciplines of Olympic sports. The competition was attended by 3 teams: “Kemel Bolashak”, “Birlik” and “Dostyk”. In this subject Olympiad, which consisted of three stages, the team “Birlik” won the first place, the team “Dostyk” was limited to a diploma of the II degree, and the team “Kemel Bolashak”-to a diploma of the III degree. The teams were able to reveal their theoretical knowledge in the competition. Among all the participants, Sakybek Kurbanai, a student of the FSK 21-3h group, was awarded the nomination “resourceful learner” and Karim Aishabibi, a student of the Dostyk team, DSH-03 group, who was able to organize the team at a high level, was awarded the nomination “the best team captain”. In order to summarize the results of the subject Olympiad, the first vice-rector of the University, Mr. Azhidinov A.S., made a speech and wished the students good luck, given that they need to work hard, get knowledge and work on themselves in order to achieve their goals.