Uzdenova Irina Dzhagapparovna Candidate Of Law, Associate Professor Head Of The Department Shymkent City Madeli Kozha Street -137, CAIU, 3rd Floor, 325 Kaf_ur Office.Ukgi@Mail.Ru
The Department of Law was founded in 1994. One of the first departments of our university and still graduates students with a good theoretical background, as well as broad practical skills in the field of law.
The teaching staff of the department and the management of the Institute are working hard to achieve these goals and results. Thus, over the past 10 years, the city of Shymkent and the Turkestan region have maintained the primacy in the quality of professional training of graduates in the specialty “Jurisprudence”, and 72% of our students are employed in the first year after graduation.
In different years of educational activity of the department “Law” significant scientific and methodological contribution was made by the heads of departments: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Sleptsov Igor Viktorovich (1994-1999); senior lecturer Narbekova Tamara Mamyrbekovna(1999 — 2009).
In different years, many highly professional specialists worked at the department, in particular, senior lecturer Vasko V. V. (1995-2000), former employee of the KGB of the USSR Gerald G. A. (1995-2006), lawyers and specialists: Bakirova Zh.A., Rusina O. M., Nurzhanov T., Kurmashev B. A., Asilbekova L. R., Mamraeva A. A., Emeshova G. K.,Saduakhasova P. T., Meirbekov E., Saidova M. A., candidates of Legal Sciences-Saktaganova I. S., Nurtazin E. K., Doctor of Law, Professor Mitskaya E. V..
From 2017 to the present, the Department of Law is headed by Candidate of Legal Sciences, senior lecturer Irina Dzhagaparovna Uzdenova.
The faculty of the department for the 2021-2022 academic year is 27 teachers, of which 50 percent of the faculty have an academic degree : one Doctor of Law, Professor Balabiev K. R., one PhD — Abdikerimova A. A., candidates of Science , associate professors — Seitova R. M., including candidates of Law, senior teachers Nakyshov N. N., Beisembayeva A., Karataev T., Baitanaev E., Mukhametkaliyev N. Zh., Sansyzbaykyzy S., Akhmedov E. M., Ismailov A. A., Utarov K. A., Turgaraev M. B., senior teachers and Masters of Law Narbekova T., Kanybekov A., Mamraeva A., Kashkynbekova U., Beidieva A., Kuralbayeva Sh., Aidarbekov A., Asilbekova L., Medeubek Z., Abdkhaimova A., Adirbayeva A..
The faculty of the department, using advanced methods and technologies of training, in accordance with the mission of the Institute and the department, prepares in-demand, competitive in the labor market bachelors of Law.
Material and technical base:
In the forensic laboratory, students learn how to work and apply forensic techniques and equipment. In the courtroom, students conduct game trials in civil and criminal cases
The research work of students is supervised by PhD-Abdikerimova A. A.-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and teachers with extensive experience in law enforcement, Candidate of Law, senior lecturer Akhmedov E. M., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Seitova R. M. and others.
Scientific activity of the faculty of the Department of Law is carried out by conducting scientific research, international scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars on the approved research topic “Theoretical and methodological analysis of problems of state and legal relations in the process of ensuring the legislative framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. As part of the mobility for lecturing students, joint scientific research is conducted with the invitation of prominent scientists and leading specialists from Kazakhstan and abroad (Russia,
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan), as well as collective monographs published based on the results of the study.
№ | Full name of the scientific supervisor | Direction and topic of scientific research | Full name students, group | Expected scientific and practical results (from the R & D plan) | Scientific and practical results achieved | |
1 | Narbekova T. M. | Қазақстан Республикасындағы неке шартының құқықтық жағдайы | Abdimanapov A. B., Bakir N. S., Mizam N. N., Sk 17-2 Sk 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
2 | Kanybekov A. Sh. | Құқық қорғау органдарының сыбайлас жемқорлықтың алдын алудағы жүргізілетін негізгі шаралары | Akhmetova Dilyafuz Maratzhankyzy Sk 19-3 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
3 | Kashkynbekova U. N. Otarov K. A. | Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы күрес оның алдын алу шаралары | Akhmetzhanov B, Narbaev X Legal entity 18-3 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
4 | Beisembayeva A. O | Сыбайлас жемқорлық және оның қылмыстық құқықтағы көрінісінің өзекті мәселелері | Мамыр А,Әліхан А.У Юк 20-к | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
5 | Beidieva A. N. Mukhametkaliev N. Zh. | ҚР жастардың құқықтық мәдениетін қалыптастырудың өзекті мәселелері | Altaev E., Nasirova A. Sk 20-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
6 | Beidieva A. N. Mukhametkaliev N. Zh. | Азаматтық іс жүргізудегі тиісті және тиісті емес тараптар
| Әшірова А.,Тілеубай Д., Балхабекұлы Ж Юк 18-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
7 | Baitanaev E. B. | The origin of the notary as a legal institution historical background | Әбдіжаппар А., Дәулет Д., Кусенгалиев Н. М Юк 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
8 | Zhanalieva A. Zh. Uzdenova I. D. | Current problems of fighting corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan | Bakhareva A. S. gr. Chuprina M. S. Narbaev N. | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
9 | Mamraeva A. A. | Тасымалдау шарты бойынша құкықтық мәселелер мен тараптардың жауапкершілігі | Бәкір Н, Атабаев Б, Мейірман Е Sk 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
10 | A. M. Abdukhaimova Ismailov A. A. | ҚР мемлекеттік органдарының жүйесінде прокуратура органдары | Бабахан Н, Әсілхан Ж Sk 18-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
11 | Tatimova M. N. | The role of education and science for young people as determining factors of state prosperity | Гуламова З. | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
12 | Akhmedov E. M. | Current problems of modern youth and ways to solve them | Гуламова З. | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
13 | Adirbaeva A. A. | Соттың медициналық сипаттағы мәжбүрлеу шараларын қолдануы | Dauletbaev O. D. Sk 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
14 | Asilbekova L. R. | Сыбайлас жемқорлық қылмыскердің тұлғасын зерттеудің психологиялық тәсілдері | Жақып М. Sk 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
15 | Kanybekov A. Sh. Balabiev K. R. | Қылмыстық теріс қылықтар үшін жаза тағайындаудың ерекшеліктері | Жауынбаева А.Қ. Sk 19-3 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
16 | Kuralbayeva Sh. U. | Қазақстан республикасында парламент палаталарының сайлау кезеңдері | Zhailaukhan A., Zalikhov R. Sk 19-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
17 | Айдарбеков Қ.А. | Құжаттарды техникалық-криминалистикалық зерттеудің негізгі мәселелері | Жүніс А.К. Сағат М.С. Юк 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
18 | Kanybekov A. Sh. | Кәмелетке толмағандардың қылмыстық құқық бұзушылықтарын сот өндірісінде қараудың кейбір ерекшеліктері | Kalman A, Raushan G Sk 19-3 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
19 | Abdikerimova A. A. | Кәмелеттік жасқа толмағандардың әкімшілік жауапкершілігі | Lesbekova Sh.N. Sk 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
20 | Sansyzbaykyzy With | A deposit as a way to secure the fulfillment of obligations | Les S. S., Moldabek H. S., Sagat M. S. Sk 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
21 | Kashkynbekova U. N. Zhamankarayeva G. S. | Азаматтық құқық және құқықтық қатынасындағы негіздемелердің туындауы. | Лесбекова Ш, Мейірман Е Sk 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
22 | Абдімәжіт Қ.Б. Seitova R. M. | Қазақстан Республикасының қылмыстық іс жүргізудегі күдіктінің құқықтарын қамтамасыз ету қағидасын жүзеге асырудың өзекті мәселелері | Mudinov U. U., Rakhymberdiev D. B. Sk 18-5 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
23 | Zhanalieva A. Zh. Uzdenova I. D. | Development of legal foundations of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan (based on the materials of the President’s address | Mirkarimova L. Y. Filatova K. S. Zheleznov M. K., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
24 | Beisembayeva A. O, | Сыбайлас жемқорлық ұғымы және оның криминологиялық сипаттамасы | Мамыр А,Әліхан А.У Юк 20-К | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
25 | A. A. Abdukhaimova | Прокурорлық қадағалаудағы нормативтік құқықтық актілері | Молдабай Ж, Сапаралыұлы С Юк 18-2 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
26 | Kanybekov A. Sh. | Лауазымды тұлғаның ұғымы мен түрлері | Махамбет Аружан Талғатқызы Sk 19-3 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
27 | Nakishev N. N. | A legal incentive for law enforcement activities to ensure the safety of persons under trial. | Alexander Mashchenko Legal entity 18-3 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
28 | Абдімәжіт Қ.Б. | Адамның негізгі құқықтарын қамтамасыз етудің конституциялық-құқықтық тетігі | Насирова Ұғылай Рахманбердіқызы Sk 20-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
29 | Абдімәжіт Қ.Б. | Қазақстан республикасындағы мемлекеттік басқару жүйесін жетілдіру мен жаңғыртудың негізгі бағыттары | Сейдалы Балнұр Бахытқызы Sk 20-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
30 | Asilbekova L. R. | Мемлекеттік органдарда сыбайлас жемқорлық құқық бұзушылықтар жасауға ықпал ететін себептер мен жағдайлар | Spataeva Mahabbat Sk 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
31 | Adirbaeva A. A. Karatev T | Жемқорлыққа қарсы заңдарға сараптама жүргізу ерекшеліктері. | Seyfulla S. M. Sc 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
32 | Beidieva A. N. | Кәмелетке толмағандардың азаматтық процеске қатысу ерекшеліктері | Satybaldy A., Southbek S, Mukhymbek B. Sk 18-5 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
33 | Nakyshov N. N. | Relevance of the science of criminal procedure law in improving the quality of work of bodies of inquiry, preliminary investigation, prosecutor’s office and court | Taubay A. B Jur 18-3 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
34 | Mamraeva A. A. | ҚР азаматтық заңнамасы бойынша рента және өмір бойы асырауда ұстау шартының өзекті мәселелері | Tugelbay S. A., Kurasov M B, Zalikhov R. E Sk 19-3 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
35 | Kuralbayeva Sh. U. Turgaraev M. B. | Қазақстан Республикасында мәслихат сайлауын өткізу ерекшеліктері | Tileubai A., Eralkhan E., Abdullayeva S. | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
36 | Kuralbayeva Sh. U. | Қазақстандық парламентаризмнің қалыптасу тарихы | Төлегенов Б. Sk 19-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
37 | Kuralbayeva Sh. U. | Парламенттің атқарушы билік тармақтарымен өзара қарым-қатынасы | Urakov M. R. Sk 19-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
38 | Айдарбеков Қ.А. | Қарыз несие алу шартарындағы негіздемелердің туындауы | Хансеитов Сұлтанбейбарыс, Жұматай Серік Sk 17-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
39 | Abdukhaimovaa. M. | Прокурордың мәртебесі өкілеттіктері және қызметінің кепілдігі | Шіркітбай А. Қ Sk 18-1 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
40 | Абдімәжіт Қ.Б. | Ұйымдасқан қылмысты криминологиялық зерттеудегі жүйелі көзқарас | Ысқақ Е.А, Назарбек Н.Қ Sk 18-5 | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
41 | Beisembayeva A. O. | Мүлік жалдаудағы мазмұнын нысаны | Бердіқұл Д., Алтынбек А | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
42 | Beisembayeva A. O. | Бұлтартпау шараларын таңдау тәртібі,өзгертілу | Zhaksybay A., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
43 | Mamraeva A. A. | ҚР азаматтық заңнамасы бойынша рента және өмір бойы асырауда ұстау шартының өзекті мәселелері | Елибоева А.Е., Түгелбай С.А., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
44 | Mamraeva A. A. | Қазақстанда сандық жүйенің даму үрдісін жеделдету негіздері | Раушан Г.Н., Серік А.Ж., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
45 | Mamraeva A. A. | Тасымалдау шарты бойынша құкықтық мәселелер мен тараптардың жауапкершілігі | Раушан Г.Н., Серік А.Ж., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
46 | Mamraeva A. A. | Адам құқықтарын халықаралық-құқықтық реттеу мәселелері | Елибоева А.Е., Түгелбай С.А., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
47 | A. M. Abdukhaimova | Мүлікті сенімгерлікпен басқару шартының субъектілері мен объектілері | Әкімхан Ә.С., Амангелді Т. Б | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
48 | A. M. Abdukhaimova | Сақтау шартын құрудағы басты мәселелер | Мекенбай Н.Ж., Байыс Б.М., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
49 | Абдімәжіт Қ.Б. | Қазақстан республикасындағы шағын және орта кәсіпкерлікті қолдау мен дамытуды құқықтық реттеудің негіздері мен бағыттары, құқықтық аспектілері | Сейдалы Б.Б, Айдарбек А.Б., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
50 | Абдімәжіт Қ.Б. | Қылмыстық іс бойынша сотқа дейінгі іс жүргізудегі тергеу әрекеттерінің бір түрі ретіндегі жауап алудың жалпы сипаттамасы | Шәймерденов Н.Б, Мұхымбек Б.С. | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
51 | Beidieva A. N. | Сот ісін жүргізудің тікелей, ауызша және үздіксіз болу қағидалары | Базарбай Ә., Жауынбай А. | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
52 | Adirbaeva A. A. | Қазақстан республикасында жаңа жағдайдағы экономикалық даму: кәсіпкерлікті дамытудың мемлекеттік бағдарламалары | Лесбекова Ш.Н., Жүніс А.К., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
53 | Kashkynbekova U. N. | Әртүрлі түрдегі мекемелерде жазаны орындау ерекшеліетері | Лесбекова Ш.Н., Бәкір Н.С., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
54 | Kashkynbekova U. N. | Атқарушылық iс жүргiзуге қатысушылардың құрамы | Seifulla S. M., Ikram D. S. | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
55 | Kuralbayeva Sh. U. | Қазақстан Республикасының президенті мен парламентінің өзара байланысының ерекшеліктері | Түгелбай С. , Сансызбай Р., Серік А. Ғ | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
56 | Kuralbayeva Sh. U. | Парламенттік биліктің сот тармақтарымен өзара байланысының ерекшеліктері | Makhambet A. T., Abdukadirova D. A., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
57 | Abdikerimova A. A. | Әкімшілік құқық — жария құқық саласы ретінде | Атабаев Б.Б., Сағат М.С. | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
58 | Beidieva A. N. | Азаматтық іс жүргізудегі сот мәжілісінің хаттамасы | Жүніс А., Қалдыгөз А., | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | Report at the student scientific conference with the publication of the article in the collection of works | |
Conclusion: | R & D was managed on 58 research topics. According to the plan for 2020, 58 research projects are planned, that is, there is a significant over-fulfillment of the plan. In 2019, R & D management was carried out on 41 topics. Thus, in 2020, compared to 2019, there was a significant increase in the number of research topics. |
On 17.09.2021, groups of Law School 19-1, 3 held a binary lecture with a teacher of the Department of ” Law ” Asilbekova L. R. on the topic “Duties and rights of a lawyer” with a graduate of our university, lawyer Seidakhmetov Zhamal. During the lecture, students were given answers to questions of concern, as well as explained the specifics of the lawyer’s activities.
Senior lecturer of the Department “Jurisprudence”, Master of Law Kanybekov Adilbek Shilenbayevich held an open lesson on the discipline “Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in an online format with students of the Sc group 19-1, 3 on the topic “Crimes against the order of management”. Open occupation crimes against the order of governance in modern society related to the management of state bodies, crimes against government officials and other persons that infringe on the inviolability of the borders of the Republic of Kazakhstan, crimes against the order of circulation of official documents and state awards, crimes against the order of conscription, crimes against state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan are aimed at full disclosure of the circumstances, types, groupings and composition of crimes that infringe on certain provisions of the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan., ensuring the management procedure. The event was attended by the head of the educational and methodological department L. Ignashova and teachers of the department.
The department has created a student club “Erudite”.
Achievements of the Erudite Student Club:
* 2020 in the Olympiad organized by the Republican Association of mediators on the theme “The role of mediation in strengthening the Otbasy Institute” among the universities of Shymkent, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Mediation”, the team ” Mardan Kyrandary “of the Law Department of our institute took part and won prizes
* I place in the subject Olympiad on constitutional law in 2019 (Shymkent, SKSU named after M. Auezov);
* Subject Olympiad 2017 I place (KHSTU Shymkent);
* 2nd place in the subject Olympiad on constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017 (AIU Shymkent);
* In 2017, the second place Brain ring for knowledge of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption” and Public Service, the Code of Business ethics (organizer: Department of Public Service and Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of South Kazakhstan region)
The goal of the Erudite Student Club is to attract capable and talented students to participate in scientific events, social projects, Olympiads, and discussions held among students in Kazakhstan and abroad.
Prepares specialists in the educational program 6B04201 – “Law”.
Duration of study: full-time-4 years, full-time reduced form of study-3 years, full-time accelerated form of study-2 years.
Upon successful completion of the full course of the educational program” 6B04201 – Law”, graduates are awarded an academic Bachelor of Law degree.
Under the educational program 6B04201 – “Law”, bachelors can perform the following types of professional activities::
* Organizational and managerial activities in state bodies and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
* law enforcement activities in the internal affairs, national security, prosecutor’s office, judicial organizations, etc.;
* legal and consulting services as a lawyer, legal adviser;
* teaching activities in educational institutions of secondary and secondary vocational education.
Currently, it is a graduate department in the educational program 6B04201 – “Law”.
Teachers of the Department of “Jurisprudence”, Masters of Law Abdukhaimova Altynay Malikovna, Kuralbayeva Sholpan Umuralievna were awarded the medal “Excellent student of Education” by the decision of the public association “QURMET-Abyroi, Birlik”for many years of work in the Institute of Mardan Saparbayev, active participation in conferences, Olympiads at the level of the Republic, region,city, as well as for their good qualities in various public works.
Teacher of the department Asilbekova Lazatkhan Ruzillayevna successfully completed the training program for mediators “GENERAL COURSE of MEDIATION” organized by the “Republican Association of Mediators”, received a certificate and certificate of a professional mediator in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”On Mediation”.
For the 2020-2021 academic year, the Department of Law developed an annual plan for mentoring the department in the specialty 6b030100 (5b030100) – ” Law ” and implemented the plan approved by the Council of the Faculty of Humanities. Senior mentor for educational work of the Department “law”appointed teacher Asilbekova L. R. Approved the following group of mentors in the following specialties::
№ | Mentor’s full name | Groups | Topbusters | Time of the group hour |
1 | Abdimajit K | Sk 20-1 | Nasyrova U | Thursday in the second week of each month 14-00 |
2 | Mamraeva A. | SK 20-2 | Kirghizova D | Thursday in the second week of each month 14-00 |
3 | Kuralbayeva Sh. | Sk 19-1 | Жамаладдинова З | In the second week of each month Tuesday 15-30 |
4 | Beidieva A. | Sk 19-3 | Жауынбаева А. | Thursday in the second week of each month 15-30 |
5 | Asilbekova L. R. | Jur 19-2 | Askarbek M. | Thursday in the second week of each month 14-00 |
6 | A. Abdukhaimova | Sk 18-1 | Turlybekov. | Wednesday in the second week of each month 15-00 |
7 | A. Abdukhaimova | Sk 18-2 | Lesbek Nurila | Thursday in the second week of each month 15-30 |
8 | Adirbayeva A. | Sk 18-4 | Bazarbay A. | Friday in the second week of each month 15-00 |
9 | City of Abdimazhit | Sk 18-5 | Satybaldy Village | Friday in the second week of each month 15-00 |
10 | U. Kashkynbekova | Legal entity 18-3 | A. Taubayeva | In the second week of each month, Tuesday 15-50 |
11 | Mamraeva A. | Sk 17-1 | Yermekova Togzhan | In the second week of each month Tuesday 15-30 |
12 | Asilbekova L. | Sk 17-2 | Serikbolsyn Seifulla | Thursday in the second week of each month 15-30 |
13 | Medeubek Z. T. | Jur 17-3 | Abdijappar A | Thursday in the second week of each month 14-00 |
The plan of mentoring hours of assigned groups of mentors was drawn up, approved by the senior mentor and the head of the department.
- During the educational process in educational work
Organizational measures: group counselors drew up educational plans, approved by Protocol No. 1 of 28.08.20. Group hours were held on the topics provided for in this plan. On September 18, 2020, a single online mentoring hour was held in all groups to discuss the mission and course of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute. The content of the new mission of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute is to develop innovative educational technologies and provide quality education through joint activities with employers. Orientation: to become one of the best universities by adhering to an effective management system, as well as using advanced methods and technologies in training. During the discussion of this topic, students linked their contributions and achievements to the improvement of knowledge, students were interested and expressed active confidence that they will demonstrate their theoretical knowledge in practice.
From October 12 to 15, employees of the Emergency Situations Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Otan Party, together with students of the Law Department, took an active part in the volunteer movement, where they were introduced to the work of volunteers and awarded certificates. We took part in the conference, gave a list of students who attend the institute as volunteers, as a result, 5 students worked until the end of the year and 5 students received certificates. Including Zhauynbayeva A. Iskak E., Ashirova A., Serkov A., Bazarbayeva A.
The mentors fully familiarized themselves with the group’s students, selected the group’s activists, and carried out the activities developed in accordance with the approved plan together with the group’s students. The schedule of mentoring hours of the department was compiled, each mentor conducted thematic mentoring hours according to the plan in accordance with this schedule.
№ | Name of events | Date | Responsible person | The result obtained |
1 | Mentoring session dedicated to the Constitution Day and Knowledge Day (online) | 02.09.2020 | Kuralbayeva Sh. | Protocol No. 1 of 02.09.2020 |
2 | Familiarization with the charter and rules, internal rules of the educational process of the Institute (online) | 02.09.2020 | Abdimajit K. | Protocol No. 1 of 02.09.2020 |
3 | Introduction to the life and work of Academician M. Saparbayev (online) | 02.09.2020 | Mamraeva A. A. | Protocol No. 1 of 02.09.2020 |
4 | Mentoring hour dedicated to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state symbols (online) | 02.09.2020 | Kashkynbekova U. | Protocol No. 1 of 02.09.2020 |
5 | Familiarization of students with the Charter of the Institute, internal rules and rules of conducting the educational process (online) | 02.09.2020 | Dean Abdikerimova A., department head Uzdenova I. D., Mamraeva A. | Protocol No. 1 of 02.09.2020 |
7 | September 1-Knowledge Day, August 30-Constitution Day (online) | 03.09.2020 | Kanybekov A. | protocol No. 1 of 03.09.2020 |
8 | Familiarization of students with the internal rules of the Institute, the educational process (online) | 03.09.2020 | curators | protocol No. 1 of 03.09.2020 |
9 | Selection of active students and appointment of group leaders (online) | 03.09.2020 | 1st year curators | protocol No. 1 of 03.09.2020 |
10 | Discussion of the Message of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2020 ” Kazakhstan in new conditions: action period ” (online) | 15.09.2020 | Aidarbekov To | Protocol No. 2 of 15.09.2020 |
11 | Explanation to students during mentoring hours, drawing up a plan in accordance with the program of the Nur Otan party “anti-corruption” for 2015-2025 (online) | 05.10.2020ж | Kanybekov A. | Protocol No. 3 of 05.10.2020 |
12 | Organization of meetings with the participation of specialists for the purpose of legal education and formation of a healthy lifestyle among students (online) | 08.10.2020 | Adirbayeva A | Protocol No. 3 of 08.10.2020 |
13 | Conducting mentoring hours on student self-government and self-education (online) | 08.10.2020 | Abdukhaimova A | Protocol No. 3 of 08.10.2020 |
14 | Mentor hour on “The role of religion in modern Kazakhstan” (online) | 10.10.2020ж | Kanybekov A | Protocol No. 3 of 10.10.2020 |
15 | Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan discussion. (online) | 9.10.2020 | Beidieva A | Protocol No. 3 of 09.10.2020 |
16 | An unscheduled mentoring session was held on the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The message is fully discussed and analyzed in each chapter (online) | 10.10.2020ж | Kanybekov A | Protocol No. 3 of 10.10.2020 |
17 | Mentor hour on student self-management and self-education (online) | 13.10.2020ж | group mentors | Protocol No. 3 of 13.10.2020 |
18 | Familiarization of the group’s students with the works of the Institute’s library (online) | 25.10.2020ж | group mentors | Protocol No. 3 of 25.10.2020 |
19 | Mentor hour on the topic: student attendance and performance, organization of sports events, order and culture of dressing students in the academic building (online) | 27.10.2020ж | group mentors | Protocol No. 3 of 27.10.2020 |
20 | A mentoring session “well-being is the key to health” was held. (online) | 06.11.2020 | group mentors | Protocol No. 4 of 06.11.2020 |
21 | Mentor hour “Wellbeing is the key to health” with the aim of forming a healthy lifestyle and legal education (online) | 06.11.2020 | group mentors | Protocol No. 4 of 06.11.2020 |
22 | Introducing students to the life and work of Academician Mardan Saparbayev (online) | 09.11.2020 | group mentors | Protocol No. 4 of 09.11.2020 |
23 | Conducting interviews on the following topics: educational work in the learning process, academic performance, quality of the educational process (online) | 12.11.2020 | group mentors | Protocol No. 4 of 12.11.2020 |
24 | Tracking the progress of mentoring hours according to the approved schedule (online) | 13.11.20120 | group mentors | Protocol No. 6 of 13.11.2020 |
25 | Debate lesson on the topic: “The role of the family and the university in the moral education of students” students took part in the contest of studios among the departments of the Institute | 16.11.2020 | group mentors | Protocol No. 6 of 16.11.2020 |
26 | December 1-on the Day of the First President, an educational event “Elbasy chosen by the country” was held (online) | 02.12.2020 | group mentors | Protocol No. 7 of 02.12.2020 |
27 | Наставнический час “Тәуелсіздік деп түрегім” (онлайн) | 14.12.20120 | group mentors | Protocol No. 7 of 14.12.2020 |
28 | Tracking the progress of the winter exam session for all groups in 1,2,3,4 courses (online) | 21.12.2020 | Responsible group mentors | Protocol No. 7 of 21.12.2020 |
29 | Holding events on independence, sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan, New Year (online) | 22.12.2020 | group mentors | Protocol No. 7 of 15.12.2020 |
30 | Differentiated monitoring of students ‘ weekly academic performance in each week | 23.12.2020 | group mentors | Protocol No. 7 of 15.12.2020 |
31 | Establishing contact with parents of students of the YK-17-1,2,YR 17-3 groups | 24.12.2020 | Curators of graduate groups | Protocol No. 7 of 15.12.2020 |
32 | Conducting explanatory work on combating corruption with students of groups 19-1, 2, 3, 4 of the Law School in the 2nd half of the year | 25.01.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 8 26.01.2021 |
33 | Exchange of students ‘ opinions on the topic of a clean session (online) | 26.01.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 8 27.01.2021 |
34 | Explain the concept of “corruption and adaldyk alany” and form an idea of cases of occurrence (online) | 05.02.2021 | Asilbekova L. R. | Protocol No. 9 06.02.2021ж |
35 | Expand your horizons by expressing your students ‘ views. Develop the ability to express your thoughts freely (online) | 12.02.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 9 13.02.2021 |
36 | Education of students in a responsible attitude to their state and justice. Conducting an educational hour on the topic of patriotic education (online) | 22.02.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 9 23.02.2021 |
37 | Introducing students to information about coronavirus (online) | 24.02.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 9 25.02.2021 |
38 | To avoid the symptoms of coronavirus, an educational hour was held (online) | 26.02.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 9 28.02.2021ж |
39 | In honor of the International Women’s Day on March 8, a festive event was held with the students of the group | 5.03.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 10 12.03.2021 |
40 | Anti-corruption event | 11.03.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 10 12.03.2021 |
41 | An online concert dedicated to the Nauryz holiday was held | 20.03.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 10 20.03.2021 |
42 | Mentoring hour dedicated to National Valentine’s Day held in Kazakhstan | 12.04.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 10 12.04.2021 |
43 | A job fair for graduate students was held | 12.04.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 10 13.04.2021 |
44 | Students were given a memorial work for the World Arts Day (online) | 15.04.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 10 15.04.2021 |
45 | Conferences on topical issues of youth were held in the online system (online) | 19.04.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 10 20.04.2021 |
46 | The Department of Law organized a youth survey “my choice” among 3 republican universities. | 22.04.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 10 23.04.2021 |
47 | 1mamyr-mentoring lesson dedicated to the holiday of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan (online) | 04.05.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 11 04.05.2021 |
48 | May 7-Defender of the Fatherland Day mentoring hour (online) | 06.05.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 11 06.05.2021 |
49 | May 9-Victory Day educational event held (online) | 10.05.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 11 10.05.2021 |
50 | 2nd intermediate control, passed a mentoring hour about the summer session | 11.05.2021 | group mentors | Protocol No. 11 11.05.2021 |
51 | About the Akparaty pandemic. Students of the Zhana Uygar group spoke about coronavirus infection | 20.05.2021 | group mentors online | Protocol No. 11 20.05.2021 |
Open classes on educational work were also held at the Department of Law:
№ | Mentor’s full name | Group | Date of the event | Topic of the Open Mentor Hour | F. Acting teachers who participated in the Open Mentoring Hour | |
1 | Abdimajit K | Sk 20-1 | 24.09.2020 | Mentoring hour dedicated to National Valentine’s Day held in Kazakhstan | Uzdenova I. D. Beidiyeva A Adirbayeva A, Kashkynbekova U Kanybekkov A Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. | |
2 | Mamraeva A. | Sk 20-2 | 05.10.2020ж | Explain the concept of “corruption and adaldyk alany” and form an idea of cases of occurrence (online) | Uzdenova I. D. Beidiyeva A Adirbayeva A, Kashkynbekova U Kanybekkov A Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. | |
3 | Kuralbayeva Sh. | Sk 19-1 | 15.11.2020 | On December 6, in honor of the Prosecutor’s Office Day, students were given a commemorative work (online) | Uzdenova I. D. Beidiyeva A Adirbayeva A, Kashkynbekova U Kanybekkov A | |
4 | Beidieva A. | Sk 19-3 | 13.11.2020 | Conferences on topical issues of youth were held in the online system (online) | Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. Mamraeva A. Abdukhaimova A. | |
5 | Asilbekova L. R. | Jur 19-2 | 19.04.2021 | The Department of Law organized a youth survey “my choice” among 3 republican universities. | Uzdenova I. D. Beidiyeva A Adirbayeva A, Kashkynbekova U Kanybekkov A Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. | |
6 | A. Abdukhaimova | Sk 18-1 | 14.12.2020 | 1mamyr-mentoring lesson dedicated to the holiday of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan (online) | Uzdenova I. D. Beidiyeva A Adirbayeva A, Kashkynbekova U Kanybekkov A | |
7 | A. Abdukhaimova | Sk 18-2 | 03.02.2021ж | May 7-Defender of the Fatherland Day mentoring hour (online) | Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. Mamraeva A. Abdukhaimova A. | |
8 | Adirbayeva A. | Sk 18-4 | 17.02.2021 | Education of students in a responsible attitude to their state and justice. Conducting an educational hour on the topic of patriotic education (online) | Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. Mamraeva A. Abdukhaimova A. | |
9 | City of Abdimazhit | Sk 20-1 | 10.03.2021 | Introducing students to information about coronavirus (online) | Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. Mamraeva A. Abdukhaimova A. | |
10 | U. Kashkynbekova | Sk 20-1 | 5.04.2021 | To avoid the symptoms of coronavirus, an educational hour was held (online) | Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. Mamraeva A. Abdukhaimova A. | |
11 | Mamraeva A. | Sk 20-1 | 24.04.2021 | 1mamyr-mentoring lesson dedicated to the holiday of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan (online) | Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. Mamraeva A. Abdukhaimova A. | |
12 | Asilbekova L. | Sk 17-2 | 15.11.2020 | A job fair for graduate students was held | Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. Mamraeva A. Abdukhaimova A. | |
13 | Медеубек З | Jur 17-3 | 15.11.2020 | A job fair for graduate students was held | Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. Mamraeva A. Abdukhaimova A. | |
14 | Mamraeva A | Sk 17-2 | 15.11.2020 | A job fair for graduate students was held | Uzdenova I. D. Asilbekova L. R. Kuralbayeva Sh. Mamraeva A. Abdukhaimova A. | |
| |
Conclusion: | At the Mardan Saparbayev Institute, the Department of ” Law “organized the Department of” Law “on December 14 during the Week”Tauelsizdik dep turegim”. The open educational hour was held online, presentations were presented, students expressed their warm wishes, conveyed their congratulations through videos. The open educational hour was evaluated by the head of the department I. D. Uzdenova and the teachers of the department. Materials and photos of the open lesson were uploaded to the institute’s website. Also, the educational work was carried out in full according to the plan. | |||||
On January 29, 2021, within the framework of the Institute, a training “Fundamentals of Mediation” was held, in which students of the specialty “Jurisprudence” were awarded certificates. It includes meetings and explanations with employees working in the field of mediation
semi-annual reports of students of the main specialties on issues of upbringing, education, remuneration and other issues stipulated by the annual plans of mentors were heard. All educational hours were conducted online.
On March 2, 2020, the dean of the faculty with the participation of teachers of the department spent an hour in the auditorium No. 330 of the Institute. At 15: 00, with the participation of 1st-year students of the specialty” Jurisprudence”, a solemn single mentor hour was held dedicated to the Day of Gratitude.
Dean of the Faculty Abdikerimova A. A. congratulated the students on the Spring Holiday, on the holiday of gratitude. 1st year student Altayev Erik presented a report-presentation on the patriotic theme “Otanym-Altyn tugyrym, I am grateful to you”. At the end, the 1st year students performed the song “Men Kazakpyn” and completed a single mentor hour.
Mentoring hours were held for the International Women’s Day on March 8. Students organized festive online events. Children of 1-3 years read poems and made greetings for girls online.
Since mid-March, due to the transition of the educational process to online mode, the following events have been held offline.
In April, a mushayra was held among students to read words of edification and recite Abay’s poems by heart. The event was attended by 1st year students. Organizer Beidieva A. N.
At the event” Justice-the spiritual foundation of man”, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the thinker, philosopher, sociologist and Oriental scholar Abu Nasr al-Farabi, 2nd year students read excerpts from Al-Farabi’s treatises. The electronic version of the event was made available for viewing on the WhatsApp network. Organized by Altynai Abdukhaimova.
In addition, scheduled mentoring sessions were also conducted online through the Webex or zoom programs.
In accordance with the plan of events dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the author of the anthem Sh.Kaldayakov and the prevention of offenses among underage youth, the formation of respect for state symbols with students-mentors of the Department of” Jurisprudence”, the following events were held during the year.
On April 27, 2021, senior curator Asilbekova L. R. held cultural and leisure events and presentations at the faculty level within the framework of the” Action Plan for the preparation and holding of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev”, organized by SK 20-1, 2 groups.
The event to provide social assistance to students from low-income and large families-orphans, semi-orphans – was organized in accordance with the schedule of charity events of the Institute in April at the school where children with disabilities are brought up “Koksaek”, located in Tolebi district, by teachers and students of the Department of Law and distribution of gifts to children brought up in the month of Ramadan.
IV. Issues of forming a healthy lifestyle, prevention of negative phenomena in the youth environment, legal education
- I read a report on the topic: “Rules of transfer from the first year to the second”.
- On 17.09.2020, the mentors of the 1st year groups distributed reference guides for 1st year students. It discusses the organization of the educational process based on credit technology of training, the choice of educational trajectory, the order of registration for the subject, the automated information system “Platonus”, the rights and obligations of the student.
- 24.10.2020 in honor of” October 1 – International Tourism Day”, curators of the groups SK 20-1, 2 Mamraeva A., Abdimazhit K. prepared a report and discussed it with the students of the group.
- 23.10.2020 a mentor hour on the topic of student attendance and academic performance, organization of sports events, behavior and culture of dressing students in the academic building was held in groups SK 20-1, 2.
- In October, at the meetings of all academic groups, the rating results of students are analyzed, during the academic year, consultations are organized for students on the methodology of working in scientific libraries (search for literature on the topic, bibliography), catalogs, etc., students are assisted in finding scientific, informational, and fiction literature in the discipline. Individual interviews were conducted with students in order to identify their personal characteristics;
- 09.11.2020 in the group Sk-19-1 Kuralbayeva Sh. She conducted” acquaintance of students with the life and work of Academician Mardan Saparbayev”.
- In order to form a healthy lifestyle and legal education among students, report on the topic “Tobacco Control Day” in the group Sk-18-1 Bazarbayeva A.. university.
- The mentor of the group regularly conducted educational hours to analyze socio-political innovations in the region and district of the republic and express his opinion;
- Together with the library, the Zoom platform “religious extremism is a threat to peace and stability” was held in order to organize explanatory work on countering religious extremism and terrorism with the participation of law enforcement officers and theologians.
- “Shymkent youth” and the imam of the city mosque met the staff of the Institute and students. They discussed the concept of religious extremism, other religious movements, Islamic education, sectarian associations with religious organizations prohibited by law, and hijab issues.;
12. As part of the Zoom program, special open educational classes were held and documentaries were shown.
- Measures to counter terrorism and religious extremism were carried out under the Zoom program “religious extremism is a threat to peace and stability” and strictly controlled the conduct of educational hours under the Zoom program in all groups.
- Control over the organization and conduct of curatorial hours in the Zoom program on the topic:”moral education – an actual problem”;
Debate lesson on the topic:”The role of the family and the university in the moral education of students ” students took part in the contest of studios among the departments of the Institute
- During the year, debates, round tables, seminars and mentoring hours were held on the following topics:” the place of art in my life”, “the role of family and university in the moral education of students”, “rational use of student leisure”, “traditions and customs of the Kazakh people”, “oratory”, “Shymkent is my favorite city”, “Tarbiyo-otbasy bastalady”, registered in mentoring journals
- “Hello, New Year!” The Zoom youth New Year program was organized and conducted in an interesting way.
- The group’s mentors worked closely with the students ‘ parents, monitored class attendance and payment,
- In the second half of the year, on February 9, 2021, in connection with the current situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Law organized a cultural event “corruption and Adaldyk alany”. The purpose of the event: education, training on an honest path for future and future generations. Explain what path corruption leads to. The event was cultural and debatable. The event opened with the National anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where slides, presentations and videos corresponding to the topic were shown.
There were discussions and reflections among the students. In this regard, the jury: senior lecturer of the Faculty of” Humanities ” Kanybekov Adilbek Shilenbayevich and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Toleutai Svetlana Anatolyevna expressed their opinion and gave an assessment.
- Providing political information. Informational exchange of views
The Department of Jurisprudence together with the teacher of the department Kanybekov A. held a conversation with the Otyrar TV company.
Events aimed at educating students in the spirit of patriotism
Mentors of all groups, including the teacher Mamraeva A., conducted seminars, debates, debates, mentoring hours on the topics: “my future profession”, “future specialist-competitive specialist”, etc.
VII. events within the Institute’s walls related to holidays (online)
On December 2, 2020, the department organized an educational event with students of the SK 19-1 group on the theme “the country chose Elbasy” on December 1, dedicated to the Day of the First President, which was held through the Zoom platform in the online system. Students of the group congratulated Elbasy, expressed warm wishes and presented presentations and videos.
According to the results of the examination session in the second half of the 2020-2021 academic year, students who perform “excellent”, actively participate in public works, socially vulnerable segments of the population who defend the honor of the institute at competitions of various levels are provided with benefits from tuition fees
№ | Group | FCS | Reason |
1 | LEGAL ENTITY 18-3 | Akhmetzhanov Beksultan Ravievich | Akim’s direction |
2 | SK19-1 | Zeyil Yerlan Nurlanovich | Based on the decision of the Social Support Commission |
3 | SK18-2 | Талғаулет Талгатулы | Tula orphan |
4 | LEGAL ENTITY 18-3 | Zhansultan Akhmetzhanov | Tula orphan |
5 | SK18-4 | Шоланбаев Едиге Болысбекович | Tula orphan |
Based on the results of the examination session in the second half of the 2020-2021 academic year, we offer the following students for the Mardan Saparbayev scholarship, whose academic performance is indicated with the indicator “excellent”: :
1. Jamaladinova Zere sk19-1 group
Based on the results of the examination session in the second half of the 2020-2021 academic year, grant a presidential scholarship to students who perform “excellent”, actively participate in public work, and defend themselves at competitions of various levels:
- Ashirova Aruzhan Zhaniyadilovna SK18-1
- Tugelbay Symbat Akmalkhanovna SK19-1
- Жауынбаева Аружан Конысбековна ЮК 19-3
For the 2020-2021 academic year, the following students are represented in the Department of “Law”: :
Preparatory work was carried out for taking the spring session online, collecting photos of students and sending them to the registry, providing a list of technically low-income students for taking the online session, collecting student data to the dean’s office to get a “light” travel card, covering issues related to payment, working with parents. We collected data from graduate students.
The mentors of all groups presented an annual report on the mentoring work done during the academic year.
The Department has signed international agreements on academic mobility of teachers and students with the St. Petersburg Law Institute, as well as with Jalal-Abad State University.
Internship bases for students on a long-term contractual basis are: the Prosecutor’s Office of the Turkestan region, the Department of Justice of the city of Shymkent, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Turkestan region and the city of Shymkent, the Notary Chamber of the city of Shymkent, the Shymkent City Bar Association.
In addition, students of the OP “Pravo” took part in the contest ” General mediation. Family Mediation students take courses at the Professional Certification Center, which allows them, in turn, to work as a professional mediator after graduation.