On April 17, 2023, a meeting was held at the Central Asian Innovation University on the theme “Ramadan is a month of spiritual education!” organized by the Education Department and the Youth Affairs Committee. The meeting was attended by the acting head of the KSU “Youth Resource Center” of Karatau district -Bahadyr Bekarys Bekbolatovich and the head of the youth affairs sector of Shymkent city of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan – Kerimbekov Anargali Pralievich. During the youth meeting, explanatory work was carried out on the values of the month of Ramadan. Answers were given to questions about the medical secrets of Ramadan, the monthly change in the diet, how it affects the nervous system, why Ramadan changes every year in different seasons. Information and explanatory work was also carried out about the upcoming Predestination night.