Languages and literature

Bakirova Sholpan Abdikerimovna Candidate Of Philological Sciences Head Of The Department City Of Shymkent Madeli Kozha Street-137 CAIU Kaf_fil.Ukgi@Mail.Ru

The Department’s mission is to provide quality education through the development of innovative educational technologies and interaction with employers

History of the department

Department, as part of the Department of Pedagogy in 2015-2017.
The department was renamed to the Department of Philology until 2017-2022
. From August 2022, the department was renamed to the Department of Languages and Literature.

From 1996 to 1997 academic years, the Department was called the Department of Humanities. The department was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor L. A. Velikotskaya.

In 1998, the department was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Saparova Yu. A. In 1999, by the decision of the rector of the Institute Saparbayeva G. S., the Department of Humanities was divided into two departments: the Department of Humanities and the Department of Philological Disciplines, which from 1999 to 2008 academic years was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Yelibaeva R. D.

From this time on, the department begins to form a teaching staff. During this period, PhD theses were defended at the department by teachers Zhunisbayeva Zh. Zh., Gurbanova A. A., Nazarova G. Z., Bakirova Sh. A. A leading specialist of the Kazakh language and literature – Doctor of Philology, Professor Syzdykov K. S., leading specialists of the English language-senior teachers Margaryan R. A., Shalomova S. A., art.Reverend of the German language Gabdullin R. Kh.

At the same time, new specialties were opened: “Translation”, then two ” Foreign language: two foreign languages (second language: German)”, and in 2002 the specialty “Kazakh language and Literature”was opened. During this period, scientific work is actively developing at the department: scientific laboratories have been opened on intensive methods of teaching Russian, Kazakh, English and German.

In 2008-2009 academic years, the Department of Philological Disciplines was headed by a candidate of pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer. Nazarova G. Zh. In this period, the scientific and pedagogical activity of teachers continues to develop actively.

In 2009 — 2010 academic years, the department was headed by a candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer. Kalshabekov A. B. From 2010 to 2012 academic year the department worked under the supervision of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer. Ермекбаева М.А.

From 2013 to 2015 academic year, the department was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer. Bakirova Sh. A. During this period, the department actively operates a scientific laboratory on the topic “Innovative methods of teaching Russian, Kazakh, English and Chinese”. During this period, under the guidance of Associate Professor R. D. Yelibaeva, an Agreement on International Cooperation is concluded with the Department of Philology of Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin.

From 2015 to 2017 academic year in connection with the reorganization of departments, the Department of Philological Disciplines became part of the Department of Pedagogy. The Department of Pedagogy was headed by Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Jumagulova G. Sh. During this period, philologists of the department continued to work on the topic of the scientific laboratory “Innovative methods of teaching Russian, Kazakh, English and Chinese”.

In 2017-2018 academic year, by the decision of the order of the President of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University named after M. Saparbayev, the Department of Philology was separated into an independent department.

In the modern era of information technologies, classical philological education is gaining new relevance. In this regard, the management of the university, represented by the President of the Institute G. S. Saparbayeva, being a philologist by education, believes that it is the humanitarian and language training that is the basis of institute education.

The department is headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior lecturer Sh. A. Bakirova.

Баймыш Л.К. Байназарова Л.А. Бакирова Ш.А. Көшекбай Н.К. Салиева Г. Сыдыкова Г.А. Сапарәлі Е.С. Гурбанова А.А. Джиянбаева Л.А. Есенкулова А.Р. Жаналиева Ә.М. Испандиярова Ә. Костин В.И. Қосмұратов А.У. Мамырбаева Б.С. Мейірбеков Б.Л. Назарова Г.Ж. Өмірбек Ж. Saparbayeva G. S. Seidisheva G. T. Turlybekova I. A. Tulebayeva A. B. Mamirova Sh. K. Yelibayeva R. D. Sarybayev D. T. Dzhailganova F. K. Khalmenova K. S. Tursyngali N. Spatay A. Agibayeva N. Dauletova A. Akhmetova D. M. Bekpatsha G. Zhambarova Sh. Zh. Осман Ж.А. Абдуахит М.К. Төлеутай С.А. Досжан Р. Бахадырова С. Жакипбеков Б.А. Қалыбеков Б.Е. Тоқтағұл Б.S. Dauletalieva D. M. Salykbaeva G. M. Kirghizbaeva R. D. Dzhaksylykova F. Huseynova V. M. Dlinova B. S. Alieva G. A. Dushanova K. A. Zakirova G. F. Azhibekova G. O. Aidarbekova A. A. Tazhibayeva Zh. Sh. Burkhanova E. T. Taukebayeva R. B. Osymova G. U. Meyirbek N. K. Umirzakova A. S. Izbasarova A. Korpeshova S. Zh. Tomarbayeva S. Osmanova R. A. Zhumabekov A. Kerimbayev A. E. Erekhanova F. Tursynova T. Zh. Bolatova A. A. Alibekova M. Shoymanova M. B. Zhorabekova A. N.

Educational programs taught at the Department of Languages and Literature:

  1. 6B01704 Kazakh language and literature
  2. 6B01702 Training of teachers of Russian language and literature
  3. 6B01705 Foreign language: two foreign languages
  4. 6B01706 Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction
  5. 6B02301 Translation business
  6. 7M01701 Kazakh language and literature
  7. 7M01702 Foreign language: two foreign languages
  8. 7M01703 Russian language and Literature

Implemented OP 6B01704 Kazakh language and Literature (6B01701 Training of teachers of Kazakh language and literature) —

Implemented OP 6B01702 Training of teachers of Russian language and literature —

Implemented OP 6B01705 Foreign language: two foreign languages —

Full nameacademic degreeacademic title
1Baimysh L. K.senior lecturerkf.n
2Baynazarova L. A.teachermaster
3Bakirova Sh. A.senior lecturerkf.n
4Көшекбай Н.To.teacher 
5Salieva G.teacher 
6Sydykova G. A.senior lecturer 
7Сапарәлі Е.С.teachermaster
8Gurbanova A. A.senior lecturerCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences
9Dzhiyanbayeva L. A.teacher 
10Yesenkulova A. R.teachermaster
11Жаналиева Ә.M.teachermaster
12Ispandiyarova A.teachermaster
13Kostin V. I.teachermaster
14Қосмұратов А.У.senior lecturermaster
15Mamyrbaeva B. S.senior lecturerCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences
16Мейірбеков Б.Л.teachermaster
17Nazarova G. Zh.senior lecturerCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences
18Өмірбек Ж.teachermaster
19Saparbayeva G. S.docent 
20Seidisheva G. T.teacher master
21Turlybekova I. A.senior lecturermaster
22Tulebaeva A. B.teachermaster
23Mamirova Sh. K.teacher 
24Yelibaeva R. D.docentkf.n
25Sarybaev D. T.teacher 
26Dzhailganova F. K.teacher 
27Khal’menova K. S.teachermaster
28Тұрсынғали Н.teachermaster
29Spatay A.senior lecturerPhD
30Agibaeva N.teachermaster
31Dauletova A.teachermaster
32Akhmetova D. M.teacher 
33Bekpatsha Citysenior lecturer 
34Zhambarova Sh. Zh.teachermaster
35Osman J. A.teacher 
36Abduahit M. K.teachermaster
37Төлеутай С.А.teacher 
38Doszhan R.senior lecturerD. F.n.
39S. BahadyrovaProfessorD. F.n.
41Zhakipbekov B. A.senior lecturerkf.n
42Kalybekov B.Е.senior lecturerkf.n
43Тoktagul B.S.senior lecturerkf.n
44Dauletalieva D. M.senior lecturer 
45SalykbaevaМ.senior lecturer 
46Kirghizbaeva R. D.docentkf.n
47Dzhaksylykova F.docentcandidate of Pedagogical sciences
48Huseynova V. M.docentcandidate of Pedagogical sciences
49Dliambetova B. S.senior lecturercandidate of Pedagogical sciences
50Alieva G. A.senior lecturerkf.n.
51Dushanova K. A.senior lecturer 
52Zakirova G. F.senior lecturer 
53Azhibekova G. O.senior lecturer 
54Aidarbekova A. A.senior lecturer 
55Tazhibayeva Zh. Sh.senior lecturer 
56Burkhanova E. T.teacher 
57Taukebaeva R. B.docentkf.n.
58Osymova G. U.teachermaster
59Мeirbek N.K.senior lecturermaster
60Umirzakova A. S.senior lecturermaster
61Izbasarova A.teachermaster
62Korpeshova S. Zh.teacher 
63Tomarbaeva S.senior lecturermaster
64Osmanova R. A.senior lecturerkf.n.
65A. Zhumabekovsenior lecturercandidate of Pedagogical sciences
66Kerimbaiyev А.Е.senior lecturerkf.n.
67Eryokhanova F.senior lecturerkf.n.
68Tursynova T. Zh.senior lecturermaster
69Bolatova A. A.senior lecturermaster
70Alibekova M.senior lecturermaster



At the Department of Philology, students annually participate in various literary competitions, projects, Olympiads, both international and republican, regional statuses.

For example, on December 25, 2020, a 2nd-year student of the OP “Teacher of Russian Language and Literature” Aliya Madyshanova, actively participated in the International Literary Contest “Pedagogical Lyre”, held in Teplice in the Czech Republic, for the whole of November, and was awarded a medal and a diploma of the 1st place for her poems about love, about the Motherland, about a woman.

Awarding and good wishes to the 2nd year student of the OP “Teacher of Russian language and Literature” Madyshanova Aliya, winner and prize-winner of the International Literary Contest “Pen wonderful creations” in the Czech Republic, Teplice

On January 16, 2024, Master’s degree, senior lecturer of the Department of Languages and Literature Dauletalieva Dinara Myktybaevna held a training seminar on “Gamification in education” within the framework of the educational and methodological seminar “Quality Education”, held in order to enhance the experience of teachers of our university.


On November 1, at the Department of Languages and Literature, Doctor of Philology Doszhan Raykhangul Abdugalievna held a scientific seminar on the topic: “The role of the deep ethnic interweaving of the Turks in determining the area of toponyms.”

The purpose of the scientific seminar is to deeply study the history of the origin, the roots of our nation, language, land and convey it to future youth with concrete arguments. To awaken young people’s interest in our history, partriotic feelings.

Russian students of the Central Asian Innovation University met on 18.10.22 with Professor Holger Kousset, PhD of the Dresden University, who gave a lecture on the discipline “Modern Russian language” for students of the 2nd-4th year of OP 6B01702 “Training of teachers of Russian language and literature”. The lecture was relevant and interesting, it was conducted in Russian. During the lecture, Professor Holger Kuss used video materials, introduced him to his university in Dresden, invited him to study at his university for academic mobility. The students were interested in the issues raised in the lecture, they expressed gratitude to Dr. Holger Kuss.

Dr. Holger Kusse, Professor at the Technical University of Dresden, presented double degree programs that allow studying at different universities at the same time, dual programs in construction and mechanical engineering, chemistry, electrical engineering, computer science, sociology, linguistics, literature and cultural studies, economics, and also proposed to conduct research in the future between the two universities.  

“Best specialist of the year-2023” among scientific and educational institutions of the CIS

The department has clubs “Zhas akyn”, “Polyglot”, “English Club”.



On March 4, 2022, the teacher of the department “Philology” Mamirova Sh.K., she is also the curator of the groups RYa-20-1 and URYA-21-1 of the EP “Training teachers of the Russian language and literature” held an educational hour on the topic “MAMA! I LOVE YOU SO much!”, dedicated to March 8 – International Women’s Day. The event set several goals – the formation of family values, love and respect for the mother, increasing the social status of mothers, as well as overcoming the language barrier and developing the communication skills of students. March 3, 2022 teachers of the Department of Philology Mamirova Sh.K., Umashova Zh.B., Alieva E.Yu. and students of groups URYa-21-1, URYa-21-2 EP “Training teachers of the Russian language and literature” held an educational event “Maslenitsa-2022” as part of the student scientific circle “Russian speech” and the discipline “Oral folk art and Old Russian literature”. Such annual holidays at the Institute of Academician Mardan Saparbayev have already become a good tradition and have several goals: the joy of communication and unity between students, the creation of an environment for the development of oral speech, a tolerant attitude towards the customs and traditions of the peoples living in Kazakhstan. As part of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Mukagali Makatayev, a creative contest “Khan tanirinin muzbalagy”was held. Competitions dedicated to young people were held among students of city schools. Students read the poet’s poems by heart and shared their impressions.

In order to promote international integration, expressing mutual interest in joint scientific and educational activities, the Department of Philology fruitfully cooperates with the following universities::
1. Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin (Russia).
2. Azerbaijan University of Languages (Baku).
3. Xinjiang Normal University of XUAR (China).
4. Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabayev (Bishkek).
5. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
6. Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov.
7. JSC “National Center for Advanced Training “Orleu”.

The department has various language and literature associations and student circles “Russkaya rech”,”Zhasadebietshi”,”SmartStudents” and discussion clubs.

7M01701-Kazakh language and literature;
7M01702-Foreign language: two foreign languages;
7M01703-Russian language and Literature.

Name of the organization

Validity period of agreement a


OP 7M01702-Foreign language: two foreign languages


N. Ondasynov Gymnasium No. 38


Shymkent, mkr 18d. 13b


A. S. Pushkin Gymnasium No. 1


Shymkent, Ryskulbekov str. 12


Torzhan Gymnasium LLP


Shymkent, Tamerlanovskoe highway 20/5


ТОО Зияткер Білім


Shymkent, Samal 2 d 2719


Methodical Language Learning Center


city of Shymkent, Gagarina 122


D. I. Mendeleev Lyceum School No. 15


Shymkent, Republic of 19g


A. S. Makarenko Lyceum School No. 41


Shymkent, 18mkr, 45a


SNR No. 17 named after him. Lermontov


15 Volodarskogo str., Shymkent


OSH “Zhuldyz” No. 100 KSU


Shymkent, Kurmangazy 1a


OSH No. 134 of KSU


Shymkent, 18mkr, 45a


CHU College “Otyrar”


Shymkent, Bykovsky 30/5


College of Energy and Communications


Shymkent, Zharkynbekova 13


SNR No. 5 named after him. Moussa’s Mold


Shymkent, Lomonosov street No. 5


Kaz-til damu training center LLP


Shymkent, 8mkr


SNR No. 10 named after him. Akpan batyr


Shymkent, Maily Kozha No. 61


Aksukent Humanitarian and Technical College LLP


Shymkent, Sairam district


Shymkent University


Shymkent, Karatau district, 225-426 Block


Scientific Center “Abaytanu” of the Humanitarian, Scientific and Technical Institute of the NAO M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University


Shymkent, Tauke khan 5

OP 7M01703-Russian language and Literature


N. Ondasynov Gymnasium No. 38


Shymkent, mkr 18d. 13b


A. S. Pushkin Gymnasium No. 1


Shymkent, Ryskulbekov str. 12


Torzhan Gymnasium LLP


Shymkent, Tamerlanovskoe highway 20/5


ТОО Зияткер Білім


Shymkent, Samal 2 d 2719


Methodical Language Learning Center


city of Shymkent, Gagarina 122


D. I. Mendeleev Lyceum School No. 15


Shymkent, Republic of 19g


A. S. Makarenko Lyceum School No. 41


Shymkent, 18mkr, 45a


SNR No. 17 named after him. Lermontov


15 Volodarskogo str., Shymkent


OSH “Zhuldyz” No. 100 KSU


Shymkent, Kurmangazy 1a


OSH No. 134 of KSU


Shymkent, 18mkr, 45a


CHU College “Otyrar”


Shymkent, Bykovsky 30/5


College of Energy and Communications


Shymkent, Zharkynbekova 13


SNR No. 5 named after him. Moussa’s Mold


Shymkent, Lomonosov street No. 5


Kaz-til damu training center LLP


Shymkent, 8mkr


SNR No. 10 named after him. Akpan batyr


Shymkent, Maily Kozha No. 61


Aksukent Humanitarian and Technical College LLP


Shymkent, Sairam district


Shymkent University


Shymkent, Karatau district, 225-426 Block


Scientific Center “Abaytanu” of the Humanitarian, Scientific and Technical Institute of the NAO M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University


Shymkent, Tauke khan 5


In accordance with the curriculum, the Department of Languages and Literature performs: academic, industrial, and pre-graduate practice.

Each type of professional practice has goals, objectives and a program, based on which the corresponding base of professional practice is determined

The student practice management procedure includes:

analysis of information about the availability of internship locations;

organizational support for planning practices at the place of their implementation;

organizational and methodological support by graduate departments for the implementation of internships;

distribution of students by internship locations;

evaluation of practice results.

Department’s practice bases :

Specialty ” 6B011800-Russian language and literature

Alpamys Batyr Gymnasium No. 40

No. 39 SNR. named after M. Zhumabayev

gymnasium No. 75


N. Ondasynov Gymnasium No. 38

gymnasium No. 75


  1. OSH No. 14 named after M. Saparbayev
  2. OSH No. 24 named after S. Yerubayev
  3. OSH No. 39 named after M. Zhumabayev
  4. OSH No. 40 named after Alpamys Batyr
  5. OSH No. 62 named after N. Torekulov
  6. OSH No. 64 named after Zh.Aimauytova
  7. Parasat College

Information on employment of graduates by specialties/educational programs 2022-2023.

Educational programs

Current year’s graduates

Some of them are employed

Percentage of employment


5B011700-Kazakh language and literature





5B011900-Foreign language: two foreign languages





6B01702 – Training of teachers of Russian language and literature





5B012200-Russian language and Literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction





Information about employment of graduates (master’s degree programs) according to the educational programs of 2022-2023.

Educational programs

Current year’s graduates

Some of them are employed

Percentage of employment


7M01702-Foreign language: two foreign languages





7M01703-Russian language and Literature


