Natural Science

Departments of the Faculty:

  1. Department of Chemistry, Biology and ecology

  2. Department of engineering and Information Technology

  3. Department of Mathematics, Physics and computer science

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Sports is one of the leading in our university, where research and methodological work and training of technical and pedagogical personnel are carried out. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Abishov Mukhtar Sailaubayevich is the dean of the faculty

To date, specialists in 15 specialties are being trained at 4 departments of the faculty. The faculty employs highly qualified teachers who have made a significant contribution to Russian science. Currently, the Faculty employs 1 academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 Doctor of Sciences and Professor, 37 candidates of Sciences, 2 PhD doctors, 29 masters, 15 senior teachers, 8 cultural figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 8 Honored Sports figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The faculty closely cooperates with research centers in the republic and the region.


  1. 2023-2024 academic year plan
  1. 2022-2023 semi – annual report