Business and Law

Brief information about the faculty
The Faculty of Humanities of the Central Asian Innovation University trains bachelor graduates in the following educational programs:
EP — “6B04201 Law (6B04203 Jurisprudence)”
EP — “6B04107 Finance”
EP — “Accounting”
EP — “6B11102 Tourism”
EP — “6B04105 Economy”
EP — “6B04104 State and local Government”
The faculty works:
Professor- 2
Associate Professor – 10
Doctors of Science-2
Doctor PhD-2
Candidates of Sciences-27
Senior teachers-23
Teachers- 63
There are circles at the faculty: “eRudite”, “zHas Economist”, the Faculty Council and the starostat, which includes 31 students- activists of 1,2,3 courses.
The main tasks of its activity of the headmaster are – informing students about management decisions and changes in the course of the educational process, coordination of educational activities