XIV Republican Student Subject Olympiad in Almaty

From April 21 to 22, 2023, the XIV Republican student subject Olympiad in the direction “6b013 – training of non-specialized teachers” was held at the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University in Almaty.
The Olympiad was held within the framework of the Republican student Olympiad in order to identify the development of special professional abilities of future specialists and support talented student youth.
Purpose: to determine the level of knowledge of students, support talented young people and form their professional intellectual potential.
25 teams took part in the Olympiad in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Students of the 3rd year from the team “SHYRYK” took part in the educational program 6b01301 –pedagogy and methods of primary education from the Central Asian Innovation University: Sabdanbek Ainur Maralovna, Agabek Sara Ashirkhanovna, Sultan Aidana Nurzhanovna, Turginbaeva Balnur Mukhtarkizi. Head of the group: Daribayeva Madina Doskulovna. The team was awarded a” letter of thanks”. The competition was held at a very interesting and high level.

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