The Educational and Methodological Department (UMO) was created with the aim of carrying out educational and methodological work, improving the qualifications of the teaching staff (teaching staff), providing the educational process with progressive educational technologies and means to increase its effectiveness. The department is headed by Master Mamadieva Kymbat Kalievna, master, senior lecturer.

The status of the UMO is determined by the organizational structure of the University, approved by the order of the Rector. UMO reports directly to the Vice-rector for educational and methodological work.

UMO in its work is guided by:

external regulatory documentation having the status of legislative and regulatory acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, national, departmental and industry standards, requirements of higher authorities;
international standards ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in the field of quality management and other systems implemented at the University;
internal regulatory documents regulating the activities of the University as a whole and the Regulations on UMO.
by this Regulation.
UMO provides methodological support of the educational process according to the academic calendar and working curricula.

In the field of educational and methodological activities
Educational and methodological support for the implementation of educational programs.
Development, implementation of new and improvement of existing technologies, methods, means and forms of the educational process.
Development of creative thinking of a teacher, provision of advanced training and professional skills of teaching staff, improvement of the scientific and methodological potential of the teaching staff.
Carrying out activities on generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience and informatization of education.
Analysis of the quality of teaching and the impact of the organization of educational and methodological work on the current academic performance and the level of educational achievements of students.
Monitoring the provision of educational process with educational literature and methodological developments.
Development and implementation of educational and methodological documentation on new learning technologies, including the use of distance learning technologies.
Examination of textbooks, textbooks, teaching aids, methodological developments and recommendations, including on electronic media and didactic materials.
Examination of working curricula and materials of educational and methodical complexes of disciplines, taking into account the requirements of state general education standards of education and the educational program.
Organization and holding of methodological seminars, conferences, webinars, meetings on improving educational and methodological work.
Implementation of the results of research work in the educational process.
Together with the Innovation and Technical Department and departments, the development and implementation of educational resources for students using distance learning technologies in the educational process.
In the field of management
Achieving key performance indicators of their processes.
Monitoring and analysis of the management system within the competence of its processes according to the requirements of ISO standards on management, and providing this data to the University management;
Implementation of the management policy in the field of quality management and other effective management systems;
Achieving goals to improve the work of the UMO.
The UMO is charged with the duty to inform the heads of departments, deans, teachers, heads of departments about new normative and methodological documents on educational and methodical work, as well as to inform the teaching staff of the university about holding educational and methodological conferences, seminars, meetings (regional, republican, international) and to facilitate the participation of university teaching staff in them.

UMO provides information interaction with higher educational institutions of the region, related universities of other regions, libraries, higher institutions.

UMO provides:

the work of the educational and methodological council, prepares the necessary information for meetings of the council and meetings of heads of departments of the university;
coordination of work on educational and methodological support of the educational process;
accounting, storage, processing, preparation and issuance of educational and methodological information and documentation;
organization of the provision of the educational process with a regulatory framework for educational and methodological work.
In its activities, the UMO, within its competence, interacts with the heads and employees of the University departments, vice-rectors, rector, faculties, departments and other departments of the University.

UMO performs the functions assigned to it in close cooperation with the Educational and Methodological Council of the University.

Open lesson's

Open lessons

November 12, 2021 teacher of the Russian language and literature of the department “Philology” Mamirova Sh.K. in the group РЯ-19-1 (third year) of the EP “Training teachers of the Russian language and literature” held an open lesson in the discipline “Russian literature of the XIX century” on the topic “Man is a mystery …”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of F.M. . Dostoevsky – a recognized classic of the Golden Age of Russian literature. The lesson was held in the form of a TV game “Own Game” with elements of expressive reading of Raskolnikov’s monologue and solving tests in the Quizziz educational platform. The main goal of the lesson is to develop the skills of one’s own reasoning through the ideological and artistic analysis of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, moreover, to cultivate a love for reading fiction.

April 28, 2022 teacher of the Russian language and literature of the department “Philology” Mamirova Sh.K. together with third-year students of the EP “Training teachers of Russian language and literature” held an open lesson in the discipline “Russian literature of the XX century – early XXI century” on the topic “And good will fall on the soul …”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Russian poetess Bella Akhmadulina, who was a prominent representative of the cultural phenomenon of the “poets of the sixties”. The lesson was held in the form of a literary and musical composition with expressive reading of poems, singing of romances based on poems by Akhmadulina. The main goal is the development of coherent oral speech, thinking, memory, imagination and the development of love for the poetic word.

On March 4, 2022, the teacher of the department “Philology” Mamirova Sh.K., she is also the curator of the groups RYa-20-1 and URYA-21-1 of the EP “Training teachers of the Russian language and literature” held an educational hour on the topic “MAMA! I LOVE YOU SO much!”, dedicated to March 8 – International Women’s Day. The event set several goals – the formation of family values, love and respect for the mother, increasing the social status of mothers, as well as overcoming the language barrier and developing the communication skills of students.

March 3, 2022 teachers of the Department of Philology Mamirova Sh.K., Umashova Zh.B., Alieva E.Yu. and students of groups URYa-21-1, URYa-21-2 EP “Training teachers of the Russian language and literature” held an educational event “Maslenitsa-2022” as part of the student scientific circle “Russian speech” and the discipline “Oral folk art and Old Russian literature”. Such annual holidays at the Institute of Academician Mardan Saparbayev have already become a good tradition and have several goals: the joy of communication and unity between students, the creation of an environment for the development of oral speech, a tolerant attitude towards the customs and traditions of the peoples living in Kazakhstan.