A seminar organized with the aim of improving the way our teachers teach

The week of seminars, which is held with the aim of improving the way our teachers teach, continues. This time, the master class was held on the topic “Features of the use of active methods in teaching biology and methods of teaching natural sciences and humanities”, types of lessons and classes. The topics “Assessment and types of assessments” were widely discussed. The seminar was conducted by senior lecturer of the department “Methods of teaching natural sciences and humanities” of the branch “Institute of Professional Development in Turkestan region and Shymkent city” of JSC “NCPC” Orleu, Laura Sukhrapovna Medetova and the branch “Institute of Professional Development in Turkestan region and Shymkent city” of JSC “NCPC” Orleu, senior lecturer of the department Aidosova Aigul Yerubaevna. The faculty of the Central Asian Innovation University took part.

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