Events within the framework of the week of Education organized by the Department of Economics and management are held according to the plan. On 15.11.2023, Veterans, Bank specialists who have contributed to the development of the domestic financial industry since the entry into force of our own tenge, specially visited our university and met with future financiers. The Round Table began with the singing of the National Anthem. The head of the Department of postgraduate education Balabekova Dina Burkitbaevna congratulated the participants of the round table on the day of the national currency and the day of financiers. Head of the Shymkent branch of housing construction, insurance Bank, veteran specialist Menlibekov Aidarbek Omarbekovich, who held the position of Chief Accountant, today pensioner Chekaeva Duysenkul Toleuovna spoke about the history of our national currency, the stability of the national currency – the main factor in ensuring the financial security of the state, and shared her thoughts on the role of tenge. Next, Zhanara Maksutovna Uskenbayeva, a leading adviser to Otbasy bank, congratulated the participants on the currency day, gave advice in the field of banking products and services, urged young people to offer the best solutions in the field of financial services, and correctly manage finances. Teachers and students received detailed answers to the questions, and specialists exchanged views. At the end of the evening, the head of the Department “Economics and management”, candidate of Economic Sciences A. A. Kamalov, on behalf of the rector of the University A. S. Azhidinov, awarded the guests with a letter of thanks. Such spiritual events will help strengthen the patriotic feelings of young people. Teachers and students were impressed by the meeting held at our university.