«Coworking» center

The Center “Сoworking” was opened in the library of the Central Asian Innovation University. The opening ceremony was opened by the rector of our University Azhidinov A. S. The opening ceremony was attended by the Vice-Rector for OS of our university Duysenov N. zh., Vice-Rector for Social Development and educational work Khaidarov N. Sh, heads of departments, active students. The rector of our university congratulated the library staff and active students on the opening of the center and wished them to increase their interest in the book and to share new ideas and innovations in science in the future. Translated from English, which has begun to enter our daily lives, the word “coworking” means working together. The opening of coworking centers is carried out in order to base the level of library service on European experience. “Coworking” is a spiritual center of young people striving for education and science. Formation of youth as a person, organization of effective use of free time, increasing interest in books are the main directions of library services. We express great confidence that the “Coworking” centers will become one effective project where young people will choose, along with domestic literature, world classics and modern literature, and joint events in various formats will expand the horizons of young people and contribute to the desire for knowledge

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