Management and Finance

Kamalov Akhmet Alikhodzhayevich

Head of the Department “Management and Finance”, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Phone number: 8-778-536-20-22 Shymkent city, Baitursynov street, 80а, 416 cab. Working hours: 09-00 – 18.00

The department employs 21 professor-teachers, including 11 candidates of sciences, 7 Masters of Sciences.
* 6B04106-accounting and audit
* 6B04107-finance
* 6B04132-State and local government
* 6B11102-Tourism
* 7M04101-Economy

The staff of the teaching staff of the department undergoes continuous professional development to develop professionalism, inform teachers about the new role and rights of students, about the rules of teaching with student centralization.
As part of the professional development of the teaching staff, the study of innovative technologies, innovative forms and methods of teaching has become a challenge of the time. All teachers annually take part in seminars and practical trainings on improving the methods of using information technology.
The activity of the department meets the qualification requirements for licensing educational activities.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, the number of teachers of the department with academic titles and degrees is 60% of the total number of teaching staff as a percentage.
The personnel policy of the Department of Management and Finance is aimed at systematically increasing the scientific potential of employees. Conducts pedagogical, educational, methodical and educational work, directs the research work of students and independently conducts research work.

Educational programs taught at the Department of Management and Finance:

6B04105 – “Economics”
6B04104 – “State and local Government”.

6B04105 – “Economics”

According to the educational program, an academic bachelor’s degree is awarded.

Full-time study period: 4 years.

Reduced distance learning (after college): 3 years.

Accelerated distance learning (after university): 2 years.

Classes are held in the state and Russian languages.

 The purpose of the program is to train specialists in the implementation of economic activities of the enterprise aimed at increasing the profitability and efficiency of the production of new types of work, quality and product development to achieve final results with optimal use of material, labor and financial resources.

The sphere of professional activity includes: the Ministry of National Economy, the financial sector, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Market and the Activities of Financial Organizations, Departments of State Revenue, Management, Economic and Budget Planning, companies and institutions, public administration bodies, research institutes, the social sphere.

6B04104 – “State and local government”.

According to the educational program, an academic bachelor’s degree is awarded.

Full-time study period: 4 years.

Reduced distance learning (after college): 3 years.

Accelerated distance learning (after university): 2 years.

Classes are held in the state and Russian languages.

The educational program has gained a high reputation among young people. The secret of such popularity lies not only in the prestige of public service, but also in the fact that with this knowledge he holds managerial positions in private and public companies.

Sphere of professional activity: State bodies, public administration bodies, local self-government bodies, state and municipal enterprises and institutions, civil society institutions, public organizations, non-profit and commercial organizations, international organizations, scientific and educational organizations, Ministry of National Economy, economic services of ministries and departments, financial sector Department, economic and Budget planning Department, structures in economic, strategic, investment, scientific research, large companies and institutions, service in the ministry and public administration bodies.

ФИОДолжностьУченая степень и звание
1Камалов Ахмет АлиходжаевичЗаведующий кафедройк.э.н
2Куралбаева Алма Шораевнапрофессорд.э.н., профессор
3Кокенова Айганым Турдыевна старший преподавательк.э.н
4Таскулова Гулия Маханбетовнастарший преподавательк.э.н
5Еркебалаева Венера Зейнуллаевнастарший преподавательк.э.н
6Сыздыков И.С.доцентк.э.н
7Жадигерова Гулшат Абдимуталиповна  старший преподавательк.э.н
8Иманбаев Алий  Асановичдоцентк.э.н., доцент
9Балабекова Дина Буркитбаевнастарший преподавательспециалист
10Байтанаев Е.Б.старший преподавательмагистр
11Демеубаева А.О.старший преподавательмагистр
12Лутфуллаева Р.А.старший преподавательмагистр
13Камбаров  Б.К.старший преподавательмагистр
14Сатыбалдиева А.Н.старший преподаватель 
15Саменова Н.Ж.преподавательмагистр
16Өтебекова Ботакөз Алмасқызыпреподавательмагистр
17Егембердиев Р.А.преподавательмагистр
18Ахметова Гульнара Жаксикелдиевнапреподавательмагистр
19Полат Д.Д.преподавательмагистр
20Абдраманова Г.Ж.преподаватель 
21Жұрынов Бекет Мүсірепұлы  
ФИОДолжностьУченая степень и звание
1.Ризаходжаев А.А.старший преподавательэ.ғ.к., «Жеңіс Астана-2007» ЖШС  директоры
2.Таласов М. Ж.старший преподавательэ.ғ.к., «Эко-Фарм» ЖШС  директоры
3.Ажибеков Б.А.старший преподавательа-ш.ғ.к., «Оңтүстік- батыс мал шаруашылығы және өсімдік шаруашылығы ҒЗИ» ЖШС ғылыми хатшысы
 Қожасова У.Ж.аға оқытушы«BASHPAY» ЖШС директоры

Implementation acts

Students are interning on the basis of ” Ecopharm ” LLP

Teacher Oralova A. discusses with students the progress of the circle work

Students studying in the specialties of the Department of Management and Finance participate in regional and republican Olympiads and scientific projects, student intellectual games and scientific seminars, round tables, contests, intellectual games.
To prevent terrorism and religious extremism, meetings are regularly held with employees of the Center for Social Initiatives of the Department of Religious Affairs.
Students of the department actively participate in the actions vitamins “against nicotine”, the movement “against AIDS”, participate in various charity events under the leadership of the youth committee.
On the basis of the department “Management and Finance” there is a student scientific circle – “young economist”. Student scientific circles are one of the forms of scientific work of students aimed at expanding scientific activities and developing students’ skills in research work in their free or special time.

International cooperation is an integral part of the activities of the Central Asian Innovation University and an important tool for ensuring the quality of education and its compliance with international standards. This work is carried out within the framework of cooperation programs with leading foreign universities. Cooperation agreements have been signed, the Republic of Uzbekistan Alfranganus provides the university with the opportunity to implement international educational programs and projects within the framework of concluded agreements, carry out joint research activities, organize scientific and practical seminars and conferences, exchange teaching staff and develop external academic mobility.. Academic mobility of students is the transfer of a student to study or research for a certain academic period (semester or academic year) to another university (domestic or foreign), the mandatory continuation of the received educational programs at another university. To this end, in the 2023-2024 academic year at the Department of Economics and Management, within the framework of the academic mobility program, the teaching staff of the near and far abroad conducted the practice of academic mobility. Professor Nosim Gaffarovich Muminov from the higher educational institution of the Republic of Uzbekistan gave a lecture that the development and implementation by students, undergraduates, PhD students, teachers of educational programs in foreign educational or scientific institutions, the external academic mobility of students and teachers gives students promising opportunities and advantages for expanding professional knowledge and practical skills.

Educational programs are aimed at comprehensive mastering by students of all types of professional activity in practice, the formation of general and professional competencies, as well as the acquisition of experience and skills of practical work on educational programs.
Practice is an important part of the training of highly qualified specialists and is carried out at enterprises, institutions, organizations, government agencies, research centers, etc. in various fields.
The internship is carried out in accordance with the concluded contracts with companies: LLP “peak Kurylys Saulet”, LLP”Triumph M. M. S. Plant”, LLP”Eco-Farm”, JSC “Caspian Bank”, LLP”Alem PRO”, LLP”Window Comfort”, etc.
The effectiveness of all professional practice is manifested in the competencies of students obtained during their practice.
There are 10 classrooms assigned to the department.