Management and Finance

Kamalov Akhmet Alikhodzhayevich

Head of the Department “Management and Finance”, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Phone number: 8-778-536-20-22 Shymkent city, Baitursynov street, 80а, 416 cab. Working hours: 09-00 – 18.00

The department employs 21 professor-teachers, including 11 candidates of sciences, 7 Masters of Sciences.

  1. 6B04105-Economics
  2. 6B04132-State and Local government
  3. 7M04101-Economics


Currently, CAIU is a higher education institution that provides high–quality education, an effective form of integration of education, science and production, and creates competitive human capital for the state. Taking into account the opinion of employers and based on the results of benchmarking, CAIU has developed innovative educational and professional programs EP 6B04105-Economics, which meet the standards and ensure that students acquire the professional competencies they need, strengthen practical training and scientific components that increase their competitiveness in the Kazakh and international labor markets.

In these programs, EP 6B04105-Economics, the vast majority of credits are allocated to the professional block of disciplines, which, in turn, consists of basic professional (mandatory) modules. The set of credits is designed for elective modules of individual educational trajectories, which makes it possible to strengthen basic professional training.

CAIU ensures the availability of tuition fees, while maintaining the high quality of education. In addition, the university offers special benefits and scholarships for low-income students, excellent students and youth belonging to certain categories.

An important place in the quality education of students is occupied by the material and technical base of the university. Interactive whiteboards, multimedia equipment, and digital laboratories in classrooms equipped with the latest technologies help students gain up-to-date knowledge. The library and a modern library fund equipped with electronic resources, online databases, digital textbooks and scientific articles are available to students of the 6B04105-Economics and Teaching Staff  program. In addition, from year to year, with the support of the university’s management, under the Academic Mobility program, university students improve their knowledge in the countries of the far and near abroad. Teaching staff also share experiences and contribute to the education of qualified youth.

The analysis of the implementation of the educational program 6B04105-Economics showed the following strengths and favorable opportunities


Strengths :

Internal factors

1. The content of the  EP  meets the needs of potential consumers, the requirements for graduates in the labor market, and is constantly in demand by all stakeholders.

2. A fairly high level of qualification of the teaching staff.

3. Availability of sufficient material and technical base.

4. The sequence of work on the organization of professional development.

5. Involvement of employers, students, graduates and teaching staff in the development of an educational development plan.

6. Constant review of the  EP  development plan in connection with possible changes in the industry, regulatory documentation, labor market demands, etc.

7. The use of active teaching methods and the introduction of practice-oriented learning.

8. Involvement of independent professional organizations in the expertise of the  EP .


Favorable opportunities:

External factors

1. Career prospects of graduates of the program due to the high demand for specialists in the region2. Opportunities to improve the practice of state and local government 3. High birth rate in the region, affecting the recruitment of applicants at the optimal.

4.A positive image at the regional level


When developing this educational program, the requirements of the regional labor market are taken into account. The educational program has been developed taking into account the needs and requests of participants in the educational process and the labor market. Develops and presents an economic and strategic marketing plan for entering new markets, evaluating consumer segments and managing logistics and logical flows. Ranks modern information technologies of logistics management.   Summarizes and compares domestic and foreign practice on the organization of economic operations.


The Central Asian Innovation University is one of the multidisciplinary organizations of higher and postgraduate education in the country, which is the scientific, educational, intellectual and cultural center of the Southern region, which trains highly qualified personnel, conducts scientific research, and carries out innovative developments in the interests of high-tech sectors of the economy.

Currently, CAIU, in addition to the main areas of education, upbringing and science, is also strengthening ties with business, various social institutions and groups, thereby increasing its influence on society. The University in the Southern region can be considered as an organization that makes a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of Shymkent city and Turkestan region, provides educational services, trains scientific and innovative personnel. In particular, OP 6B04132 – “State and local government” is one of the specialties in demand on the labor market and is aimed at preparing graduates for public service. There are 120 higher education institutions in Kazakhstan, including about 45 universities that provide bachelor’s degree training in the educational program of state and local government.

According to official data, more than 40% of civil servants are trained in economics and business, 26% in law, 9% in technical sciences and 7% in pedagogical sciences.

Educational activities consist in involving stakeholders in the development of educational programs, the creation of educational, scientific, industrial and educational complexes of departments at partner enterprises and organizations, the implementation of dual training, the involvement of employers in the sectoral councils of higher schools, joint management of diploma and master’s theses, teaching, the work of state attestation commissions with stakeholders (including business with the environment), thereby developing partnerships.

Taking into account the opinion of employers and based on the results of benchmarking, CAIU has developed innovative educational and professional programs 6b04132-State and local Management, which ensure that the educational institution receives professional competencies that meet the standards and are necessary for students, practical training and strengthening the scientific component, increasing their competitiveness in the Kazakh and international labor markets.

The content of the educational program of higher education OP 6B04132 – “State and local government” consists of three cycles of disciplines – general education disciplines (hereinafter referred to as OP), basic disciplines (hereinafter referred to as OP) and profile disciplines (hereinafter referred to as OP). The scope of the OOP cycle is 56 academic credits. Of these, 51 academic credits will be divided into compulsory component disciplines.

The analysis of the implementation of the educational program OP 6B04132-State and local government showed the following strengths and favorable opportunities



Internal factors

1. The content of the OP meets the needs of potential consumers, the requirements for graduates in the labor market, and is constantly in demand by all stakeholders.

2. A fairly high level of qualifications of the teaching staff.

3. Availability of sufficient material and technical base.

4. The sequence of work on the organization of professional development.

5. Involvement of employers, students, graduates and teaching staff in the development of an educational development plan.

6. Constant review of the OP development plan in connection with possible changes in the industry, regulatory documentation, labor market demands, etc.

7. The use of active teaching methods and the introduction of practice-oriented learning.

8. Involvement of independent professional organizations in the expertise of the OP.


Favorable opportunities

External factors

1. Career prospects of graduates of the program due to the high demand for specialists in the region

2. Opportunities to improve the practice of state and local government

3. High birth rate in the region, affecting the recruitment of applicants for the OP

4. Positive image at the regional level

 CAIU is a leading university in the Southern region, whose research and innovation activities are aimed at providing scientific support for the innovative, industrial and socio-economic development of the region and the country, the formation of a modern scientific and educational environment, implemented in the training of highly qualified personnel based on the close integration of science, education and innovation.

All this determines the competitive advantages of CAIU graduates. Every year, graduates successfully find jobs in enterprises and organizations not only in the Southern region, but throughout Kazakhstan.


Currently, CAIU is a higher education institution that provides high–quality education, an effective form of integration of education, science and production, and creates competitive human capital for the state. Taking into account the opinion of employers and based on the results of benchmarking, CAIU has developed an innovative educational and professional program 7M04101-Economics, which meets the standards and ensures that students acquire the necessary professional competencies, strengthen practical training and scientific components that increase their competitiveness in the Kazakh and international labor markets.

CAIU ensures that tuition fees are affordable, while maintaining high quality education. In addition, the university offers special benefits and scholarships for low-income students, excellent students and youth belonging to certain categories.

An important place in the quality education of students is occupied by the material and technical base of the university. Interactive whiteboards, multimedia equipment, and digital laboratories in classrooms equipped with the latest technologies help students gain up-to-date knowledge. The library and a modern library fund equipped with electronic resources, online databases, digital textbooks and scientific articles are available for learners of the 7M04101-Economics program and Teaching. In addition, from year to year, with the support of the university’s management, under the Academic Mobility program, university students improve their knowledge in the countries of the far and near abroad. Teaching staff also share experiences and contribute to the education of qualified youth.

Analysis of the implementation of the Еducational program 7M04101-Economics showed the following strengths and favorable opportunities



Internal factors

1.The content of the  Educationalprogrammeets the needs of potentialconsumers, the requirementsforgraduates in thelabormarket,and is constantly in demand by allstakeholders.

2. A fairlyhighlevel of qualifications of the teachingstaff.

3.Availability of sufficientmaterial and technicalbase.

4. The sequence of workon the organization of professionaldevelopment.

5.Involvement of employers,students,graduatesand teaching staff in the development of an educationaldevelopmentplan.

6.Constantreview of the  Educationalprogramdevelopmentplaninconnectionwithpossiblechangesin the industry,regulatorydocumentation,labormarketdemands, etc.

7. The use of activeteachingmethodsand the introduction of practice-orientedlearning.

8. Involvement of independent professional organizations in the expertise of the  Educational program.


Favorable opportunities

External factors

1.Careerprospects of graduates of the programdue to the highdemandforspecialistsin the region

2.Opportunities to improve the practice of stateandlocalgovernment

3. High birth rate in the region, affecting the recruitment of applicants for the  Educational program

4. Positive image at the regional level

In addition to theoretical knowledge, university students pay special attention to the development of practical skills. Students of 7M04101-Economics program have the opportunity to complete research internships and internships in regional and international companies. The University participates in various research projects in cooperation with international organizations, research centers and foreign universities. He regularly holds scientific conferences, seminars and forums at the CAIU, and provides an opportunity for students and young scientists of 7M04101-Economics program to present their research.


Educational programs taught at the Department of Management and Finance:

  1. 6B04105 – “Economics”
  2. 6B04104 – “State and local Government”.
  3. 7М04101 «Economics»


  1. Description of the educational program

The Economics educational program trains specialists in the field of organization and management of business processes who are able to develop and make economic, financial and organizational decisions, evaluate their results taking into account socio-economic efficiency and existing commercial risks.

The educational program ensures that students achieve educational results in accordance with the requirements established by the State Educational Standard, defines the purpose, objectives, content and organization of educational activities at the bachelor’s degree level and is implemented by the university through educational, methodological, research, innovation and extracurricular activities.

  1. The uniqueness of the ЕP:

The educational program has been developed taking into account the needs and requests of participants in the educational process and the labor market. The training program contains cycles of general education, basic and profile disciplines in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard.

  1. Specialized subjects: Fundamentals of National Economy; Corporate Finance; International Economics; Business Marketing Analysis; Economic Analysis.
  1. By the end of their studies, students will have the following skills:

– research, planning and economic support of the company’s financial and economic activities, preparation of periodic and management reports;

– participation in the development of management decisions, justification of their choice based on criteria of socio-economic efficiency, taking into account the risks and possible socio-economic consequences of the decisions taken;

– monitoring the implementation of the company’s financial and economic development plans and making management decisions;

– carrying out economic analysis and interpretation of financial, accounting and other information and using the information obtained for making managerial decisions;

– conducting analytical calculations based on modern methods and the current regulatory framework for fixed assets, inventory management, cost management;

– maintaining the economic efficiency of economic activity;

– analysis, assessment and identification of existing and future risks in economic situations and ongoing business processes;

– planning and control of financial and economic activities of companies and organizations;

– preparation of initial data for calculations of economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of business entities;

– systematic management of economic and social processes using modern tools of quantitative and qualitative analysis.

  1. With the help of the acquired knowledge and qualifications, the graduate of “Economist” carries out his professional activities in the following areas:

– the real sector of the economy, including economic, financial, marketing, production, economic and analytical services of companies and organizations of various industries, spheres and forms of ownership;

– the financial sector of the economy, including lending, insurance, and securities market operations;

– State management of the economy;

– fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of economics.



  1. Description of the educational program

 The specialty “State and Local Government” is one of the most demanded in the labor market and is aimed at preparing graduates for public service.

 After receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business with a degree in Public and Local Government, you will receive a highly paid and prestigious specialty. You can hold managerial positions, work as managers and economists of central and local authorities, work at state-owned enterprises, joint-stock companies, manufacturing companies, and holding companies.

Within the framework of this educational program, students have the opportunity to specialize in the field of organizing the activities of state, regional and local government bodies: state and local government bodies, ensuring effective management of the organization, improving management in accordance with the trends of socio-economic development.

  1. The uniqueness of the ЕP:

-practice-oriented training;

the focus of the content of the OP on the development of entrepreneurial, research and management competencies;

individual and managerial competencies approach in training;

– the presence of elements of multilingualism, interdisciplinary learning;

-professional practice in government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  1. Specialized subjects: Theory of public administration, Regional Economics and Management
  2. By the end of their studies, students will have the following skills:

– analysis of the economic and social development of the relevant regions (districts, cities, regions) ;

 – identification of medium- and long-term prospects for the socio-economic development of rural areas, districts, cities and regions;

 – preparation of well-founded issues for decision-making at the proper level to improve the structure of economic management bodies;

 – monitoring the implementation of state programs, plans, and decisions of central and local economic management bodies in order to identify the need for their adjustment, taking into account the specific conditions and conditions prevailing on the ground;

 – management of the economy and social life of rural settlements, districts, districts, cities and regions;

 – development of government strategies, concepts, and programs aimed at substantiating the prospects for the economic and social development of the relevant administrative-territorial units and increasing their competitiveness.

  1. With the help of the acquired knowledge and qualifications, graduates will be able to occupy the following leading positions in enterprises and organizations of the relevant field:

– specialist;

– Chief Specialist;

– Head of Department in central and local government agencies;

– heads of regional departments;

– Directors of departments;

– Chairman of public administration bodies, etc.


  1. Description of the educational program The Economicseducationalprogramtrainsspecialists in moderneconomics who are competitive in thelabormarket, in demand by modernenterprisesandmarketstructuresat the internationallevel,able to effectivelyadapttodynamicallychangingsocialconditions of professionalactivity,withdeep,advancedprogrammingskillsand the ability to create,developandadaptimportantresearchprocesseswithscientificintegrityin the field of moderneconomics. the reality.In the course of their studies, undergraduates will learn the essenceandsocialsignificance of theirfutureprofession, the mainproblems of the disciplines that define their specificfieldofactivity,andtheirinterrelationin an integratedknowledgesystem.Undergraduates are taught the ability to be methodicallyandpsychologicallypreparedtochange the typeandnature of theirprofessionalactivitieswhenthespecificsituationinsocietyandtheirpersonallives change.
  2. The uniqueness of the ЕP:

The uniquenessandindividuality of OP7M04101″Economics”consistsin its multidisciplinary nature,combiningseveralareas of economicsaimedattrainingeconomists in a newformat,combiningtheoreticalandpracticalaspects of education,participatingin the development of OPandteachingacademicdisciplines to leadingscientists, economistsandpractitioners.

  1. Specialized subjects: Modeling and forecasting the development of the economy, Distribution of Productive Forces
  2. By the end of their studies, students will have the following skills:

– the collection and analysis of the initial data necessary for the calculation of economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of business entities;

-performingcalculationsnecessaryfordrawing up economicsections of budgetplans,substantiatingthemandpresenting the results of workinaccordancewith the standardsacceptedin the organization.

– calculation of indicators of draft budgets of the budgetary system, ensuring their execution and control, drawing up budget estimates and plans of financial and economic activities of companies and organizations;

– conducting work on tax planning as part of the budget system;

– the application of normsregulatingbudgetary,tax, and currencyrelationsin the field of insurance,banking,accounting, andcontrol.

– research, planning and economic support of the company’s financial and economic activities, preparation of periodic and management reports;

– monitoring the implementation of plans for the financial and economic development of the organization and the development of management decisions;

 – participation in the preparation and decision-making on the organization of management and improvement of the activities of financial services and divisions of companies and organizations, taking into account legal, administrative and other restrictions;

-carrying out accountingexpertise of contracts.

– development and adjustment of applied forms, methods, techniques and ways of organizing financial relations between business entities and government agencies;

– carrying out financial analysis and interpretation of financial, accounting and other information contained in the financial statements of companies and organizations, using the information obtained to make managerial decisions;

– conducting analytical calculations based on modern methods and the current regulatory framework for financial resource management;

– critical understanding of empirical processes in economics and finance, theoretical and applied methods of their analysis;

– information search, collection and analysis of data necessary for carrying out specific financial calculations;

– processing of data arrays in accordance with the management’s task, analysis, evaluation, interpretation of the results obtained and substantiation of conclusions;

– construction of theoretical and econometric models of the studied processes, phenomena and objects related to the field of professional activity, analysis and interpretation of the results obtained;

-analysis,assessmentandidentification of existingandfuturerisksineconomicsituationsandongoingbusinessprocesses.

– participation in research carried out by scientific centers, research institutes, higher educational institutions, laboratories, research groups of industrial enterprises, corporations, as well as in the framework of regional and international programs of scientific, industrial, scientific and technical cooperation;

– analysis and interpretation of indicators characterizing socio-economic processes and phenomena at the micro and macro levels both in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;

– preparation of information reviews and analytical reports;

– conducting statistical surveys, surveys, questionnaires and processing their results;

– systematic study of economic and social processes using modern tools of quantitative and qualitative analysis.

  1. With the help of the acquired knowledge and qualifications, graduates will be able to occupy the following leading positions in enterprises and organizations of the relevant field:

 – production and management;

– scientific research;

– pedagogical;

– organizational and technological;

– audit office;

– Business administration;

– project information;

– investment and innovation;

– expert advisory service;

– educational and methodical.

ФИОДолжностьУченая степень и звание
1Камалов Ахмет АлиходжаевичЗаведующий кафедройк.э.н
2Куралбаева Алма Шораевнапрофессорд.э.н., профессор
3Кокенова Айганым Турдыевна старший преподавательк.э.н
4Таскулова Гулия Маханбетовнастарший преподавательк.э.н
5Еркебалаева Венера Зейнуллаевнастарший преподавательк.э.н
6Сыздыков И.С.доцентк.э.н
7Жадигерова Гулшат Абдимуталиповна  старший преподавательк.э.н
8Иманбаев Алий  Асановичдоцентк.э.н., доцент
9Балабекова Дина Буркитбаевнастарший преподавательспециалист
10Байтанаев Е.Б.старший преподавательмагистр
11Демеубаева А.О.старший преподавательмагистр
12Лутфуллаева Р.А.старший преподавательмагистр
13Камбаров  Б.К.старший преподавательмагистр
14Сатыбалдиева А.Н.старший преподаватель 
15Саменова Н.Ж.преподавательмагистр
16Өтебекова Ботакөз Алмасқызыпреподавательмагистр
17Егембердиев Р.А.преподавательмагистр
18Ахметова Гульнара Жаксикелдиевнапреподавательмагистр
19Полат Д.Д.преподавательмагистр
20Абдраманова Г.Ж.преподаватель 
21Жұрынов Бекет Мүсірепұлы  
ФИОДолжностьУченая степень и звание
1.Ризаходжаев А.А.старший преподавательэ.ғ.к., «Жеңіс Астана-2007» ЖШС  директоры
2.Таласов М. Ж.старший преподавательэ.ғ.к., «Эко-Фарм» ЖШС  директоры
3.Ажибеков Б.А.старший преподавательа-ш.ғ.к., «Оңтүстік- батыс мал шаруашылығы және өсімдік шаруашылығы ҒЗИ» ЖШС ғылыми хатшысы
 Қожасова У.Ж.аға оқытушы«BASHPAY» ЖШС директоры

Implementation acts

Students are interning on the basis of ” Ecopharm ” LLP

Teacher Oralova A. discusses with students the progress of the circle work

Students studying in the specialties of the Department of Management and Finance participate in regional and republican Olympiads and scientific projects, student intellectual games and scientific seminars, round tables, contests, intellectual games.
To prevent terrorism and religious extremism, meetings are regularly held with employees of the Center for Social Initiatives of the Department of Religious Affairs.
Students of the department actively participate in the actions vitamins “against nicotine”, the movement “against AIDS”, participate in various charity events under the leadership of the youth committee.
On the basis of the department “Management and Finance” there is a student scientific circle – “young economist”. Student scientific circles are one of the forms of scientific work of students aimed at expanding scientific activities and developing students’ skills in research work in their free or special time.

International cooperation is an integral part of the activities of the Central Asian Innovation University and an important tool for ensuring the quality of education and its compliance with international standards. This work is carried out within the framework of cooperation programs with leading foreign universities. Cooperation agreements have been signed, the Republic of Uzbekistan Alfranganus provides the university with the opportunity to implement international educational programs and projects within the framework of concluded agreements, carry out joint research activities, organize scientific and practical seminars and conferences, exchange teaching staff and develop external academic mobility.. Academic mobility of students is the transfer of a student to study or research for a certain academic period (semester or academic year) to another university (domestic or foreign), the mandatory continuation of the received educational programs at another university. To this end, in the 2023-2024 academic year at the Department of Economics and Management, within the framework of the academic mobility program, the teaching staff of the near and far abroad conducted the practice of academic mobility. Professor Nosim Gaffarovich Muminov from the higher educational institution of the Republic of Uzbekistan gave a lecture that the development and implementation by students, undergraduates, PhD students, teachers of educational programs in foreign educational or scientific institutions, the external academic mobility of students and teachers gives students promising opportunities and advantages for expanding professional knowledge and practical skills.

Educational programs are aimed at comprehensive mastering by students of all types of professional activity in practice, the formation of general and professional competencies, as well as the acquisition of experience and skills of practical work on educational programs.
Practice is an important part of the training of highly qualified specialists and is carried out at enterprises, institutions, organizations, government agencies, research centers, etc. in various fields.
The internship is carried out in accordance with the concluded contracts with companies: LLP “peak Kurylys Saulet”, LLP”Triumph M. M. S. Plant”, LLP”Eco-Farm”, JSC “Caspian Bank”, LLP”Alem PRO”, LLP”Window Comfort”, etc.
The effectiveness of all professional practice is manifested in the competencies of students obtained during their practice.
There are 10 classrooms assigned to the department.