RSU” Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy”, organized from April 1 to 2 of this year, held the XVI Republican subject student Olympiad in the discipline”methods of teaching music “of the educational program” Music Education”. The Olympiad was held in two nominations: “methods of teaching music” and “musical education”. Turabbaeva Zhamila, a student of the Mok 21-1H group of the Central Asian Innovation University, the head of the senior teacher Murzabayeva Manzura Abdykadyrovna and the student of the Mok 21-1H Group Abdullah Ainazik, the head of the senior teacher cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kainarbayeva Aigul Kalmakhanovna took part in this Olympiad. Participant of the nomination” methods of teaching music “– 3rd year student Turabbaeva Zhamila Irisvaevna held a lesson on the topic” the first organizer of the Kazakh orchestra – Akhmet Zhubanov”. Participant in the nomination” musical enlightenment “- student of the 3rd year Abdullah Ainazik defended a presentation on the topic” music is my soul”. As a result, at the XVI Republican subject student Olympiad, Turabbaeva Zhamila (head: Senior Teacher Murzabaeva M. A.) took the third place. Our student Abdullah Ainazik (head: cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kainarbayeva A. K.) was awarded a diploma in the nomination “pedagogical artistry of a music teacher”.