The week of education of economic specialties “national currency-the guarantor of financial stability of the economy of Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was launched at the Department of Economics and management of the Central Asian Innovation University, scheduled for November 10-17, 2023. On November 10, the staff of the department held a seminar meeting with representatives of the Shymkent branch of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic “economic and financial aspects of ensuring the stability of the national currency”. Speaking, M. A. Zharkinbekov noted that in 1993 the national currency – tenge was introduced for the first time, and the country’s achievements in ensuring the economic growth and prosperity of Kazakhstan, stability and social growth over the years of Independence. On November 15, the decree of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan congratulated on the national currency day, the professional holiday of employees working in the financial system of the country. Zhanna Amangeldyevna Kalmurzayeva, a specialist from the Shymkent branch of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, presented the students with information about the history of origin, design and time of entry into circulation – the symbol of economic independence of Kazakhstan, which enshrined the foundations of statehood. He noted that the images of the tenge reflect the history and identity of our state, have additional complex relief and protective abilities that distinguish them from other currencies in the world, and that Kazakhstan’s banknotes belong to one of the strongest currencies in the world. Chief specialist-economist of the Shymkent branch of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kalzhanova Ainur Zhanabayevna presented a video “interesting information about Tenge”, gave quiz questions to the audience, and presented collectible coins to active participants. Head of the Department” economics and management”, candidate of Economic Sciences Kamalov A. A. on behalf of the rector of the University A. S. Azhidinov presented letters of thanks to the guests and wished all participants of the seminar good luck.