On October 17, 2022, a training seminar was held at the Central Asian Innovation University with teachers and students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Languages, the Department of Languages and Literatures with the participation of Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Technical University of Dresden, Head of the Department of Slavistics H. Kousset. The purpose of the seminar is the introduction of innovative technologies in the teaching of foreign languages in higher educational institutions, the organization of the exchange of experience. In his report, Professor Holger Kusse presented the city of Dresden in Germany, its cultural facilities, the university where he works, and the features of the educational process in it. In addition, he presented the content of his works as “Cultural Linguistics”, “Tolstoy’s Language of Wisdom”, “Pragmasemantics”. A distinctive feature of the Dresden Technical University is the close connection of theory with practice, and thanks to cooperation with the Volkswagen automobile concern and many high-tech enterprises and companies producing modern microprocessors, students undergo an annual internship and get employment opportunities in these companies. Dr. Holger Kusse, Professor at the Technical University of Dresden, presented double degree programs that allow studying at different universities at the same time, dual programs in construction and mechanical engineering, chemistry, electrical engineering, computer science, sociology, linguistics, literature and cultural studies, economics, and also proposed to conduct research in the future between the two universities.