Registrar’s Office

Structure of the Registrator`s Office

Castaev Serik Kanatovich
Head of the Registration Office

Khaydarov Sadykzhan Shakhizindayevich
Deputy Head of the Registration Office

Turdalieva Gulmira Sarybayeva
Methodologist Registration Office

Tuzelbek Nazgul Kayratkyzy
Methodologist Registration Office

Turganbekova Aigerim Saparbekova
Office Registrar

Amantay Assel Nurlanovna
Office Registrar

Information Registrar's Office

The Registrar’s Office is a service that registers the entire history of the student’s academic achievements. Department — determines the order of students’ education at the Mardan Saparbayev Institute according to the credit system of education, and regulates the procedure for registering students to attend training sessions, conducting boundary and final control, intermediate and final state certification, assessment of students’ knowledge, etc. The work of the registrar’s office is coordinated with the activities of deans, departments, the department of the educational process and other structural units of the Institute involved in the organization of the educational process. The Registrar’s office solves the issues of registration of students for academic disciplines, organization and planning of control measures for all forms of training in accordance with the academic calendar and curricula.
Office registration works according to approved nomenclature documents. Office registration is connected to all structural departments of the CAIU University. On the basis of scientific and innovative news to develop the course of training. During the training, be connected by departments, give methodological advice. In the course of being associated with the tutor of the discipline and the advisors of the specialties.
— Plan and organize the course of training.
— Monitor the preparation of students.
— To organize boundary, current control and conduct.
— Organize exams and conduct.
— Organize a summer semester and conduct.
Academic achievements of students (students) in all types of academic assignments and assignments are evaluated according to the point-rating letter system of knowledge assessment in accordance with the state mandatory standard of education for the control and assessment of knowledge in universities, with translation into the traditional scale of assessments.
The current control of students’ progress is a systematic examination of students’ knowledge in accordance with the professional curriculum, conducted by the teacher in classroom and extracurricular classes according to the schedule during the academic period. With the current monitoring of academic performance, students’ academic achievements are evaluated on a 100-point scale for each completed task.
Intermediate certification of students is a procedure carried out in order to assess the quality of mastering by students the content of part or the entire volume of one academic discipline after completing its study. Intermediate certification of students is carried out in the form of an exam.
Final certification of students is a procedure carried out in order to determine the degree to which they master the scope of academic disciplines provided for by the state mandatory standard of education. It is conducted in the form of defending theses / projects and passing state exams.
At CAIU, the assessment of the current progress control (admission rating) is 60% of the final assessment of knowledge in the discipline, and the exam score is 40% of the final assessment of knowledge in the discipline.

Summer semester

The summer semester is organized on a fee-based basis to eliminate academic debts, eliminate academic differences in curricula, as well as meet the needs of accelerated and additional training.
The duration of the summer semester is determined by the academic calendar of the educational process of the Institute and is 6 weeks.
The summer semester is designed to carry out the following types of educational activities:
– providing all types of training sessions in accordance with the working curriculum of the specialty and working programs of disciplines;
– provision of advisory services to students;
– organization of any courses taught in the specialties of the institute in order to expand the professional horizons of the student.
The following students remain for the summer semester:
– excluded from the exams based on the results of rating control;
– those who received an unsatisfactory assessment at the interim control;
– having academic debt for past academic periods;
– having an academic difference during recovery, transfer from another university and return from academic leave.
Students in the summer semester study on a fee basis.
The right to a summer semester for additional courses, taking into account the following requirements, is granted only to successful students, provided that:
– the student must be transferred to the next course without academic debts;
– the group must be profitable, i.e. consist of at least 5 people;
Registration of the summer semester is carried out in accordance with the regulations:
– The Registrar’s office, if the issue is resolved positively, draws up a summer semester schedule and approves it from the Vice-rector for Educational and methodological work. The schedule is compiled taking into account the employment of teachers involved in the summer semester;
– the organization of the summer semester is carried out in accordance with the point-rating system (BRS) and the principle of independent assessment of students’ knowledge. The final assessment of students’ knowledge in disciplines studied outside the curriculum of the specialty is carried out by a teacher who lectures during the summer semester.
The results of examinations in additional disciplines of the curriculum of the specialty mastered during the summer semester make up the GPA of the next academic year.
With a low transfer score (GPA), unsatisfactory results of the summer semester and intermediate certification, students are granted the right to re-study.
Re-training is carried out only on a paid basis.
A student can refuse to re-study by dropping out at his own request. In this case, the student writes an application addressed to the rector of the Institute for his expulsion at his own request.

Student Travel Guide
Testing Center
Academic calendar