“Development of students’ language and life skills: from the experience of the PreSETT program (training of future English teachers)”

Within the framework of the international scientific and methodological seminar on the methodology of teaching a foreign language on the topic: “Development of language and life skills of students: from the experience of the Preset program (training of future teachers of English)” organized by the Department of Languages and Literature of the CAIU and the Department of English Language and Literature of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan, Karakalpastan, Nukus) on November 10, 2022 Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of English Language and Literature of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan, Karakalpastan, Nukus) Dina Dzhaksybaevna Mamyrbaeva and the head of the Department of English Language and Literature of the NGPI, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Tazhieva Aliya Utebaevna held an open lecture on the discipline

“Methods of teaching a foreign language” on the topic “Developing of self–esteem of learners during the introductory lessons” for teaching staff of CAIU and students studying under OP 6B01703 “Training of teachers of a foreign language”.

The lectures used interactive methods and techniques, new forms of learning technologies aimed at developing students’ communicative competencies, based on modern approaches to the study of language and literature.

Teaching staff of CAIU and students studying under OP 6B01703 “Training of teachers of a foreign language” received invaluable experience of higher teachers in the methodology of teaching a foreign language.

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