University faculty satisfaction with the university
Teacher through the eyes of a student
Questionnaire for students about distance learning
Awareness of CAIU’s quality policy among faculty members
Questionnaire «Adaptation to the learning process» for first-year students
Questionnaire «Adaptation to the learning process» for first-year students.
Questionnaire » Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates
Questionnaire «Teacher through the eyes of students»
«Satisfaction with the quality of education» of students of the Central Asian Innovation University
Survey of employers — 2021 results
University faculty satisfaction with the university
Results of the survey» Satisfaction with the quality of education » of CAIU students for the 2020-2021 academic year
Clean Session
Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates
Student’s questionnaire based on the results of professional practice
Questionnaire for students about distance learning
Questionnaire «Adaptation to the learning process» for first-year students
Net OP Session:
6B01502 Chemistry
6B01404 Physical culture and sports
6B01503 Biology
6B01509 Mathematics
6B01405 Music Education
6B06103 Computer equipment and software
6B02102 Design
6B07501 Standardization and certification
6B05201 Ecology
7M01501 Chemistry
7M01502 Biology
7M01301 Pedagogy and methods of primary education
7M01701 Kazakh language and literature
7M01702 Foreign language: two foreign languages
7M02102 Design
Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates 2020-2021:
6B01101 «Pedagogy and Psychology» «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
6B01201 «Preschool education and upbringing» «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
6B01301 «Pedagogy and methods of primary education» «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
6B01401 — «Training of teachers of primary military training» (6B010400-Primary military training) «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
6B01402 — » Training of physical education teachers «(6B010800-Physical Culture and Sports) «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
6B01702 » Training of teachers of Russian language and literature «(5B011800-Russian language and literature) «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
6B001703 «Training of foreign language teachers (5B011900-Foreign language: two foreign languages)» Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
6B011700-Kazakh language and Literature — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
6B030100 — «Jurisprudence — -» Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
5B051000 — » GMU » — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
5B050800 — «Accounting and Audit» — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
6B050900 — «Finance» — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
«6B06103» — «VTiPO» — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
«6B02102» — «Design» — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Central Asian Innovation University»
Result of the survey of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021:
6B01101 — «Pedagogy and Psychology» of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B01201 — «Preschool education and upbringing» survey of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B01301 — «Pedagogy and methods of primary education» teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B030100 — «Rights» of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B04107 — «Finance» teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B04106 — «Accounting and audit» of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B04132 — «GMU Teaching staff» through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B090200 — «Tourism» teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
5B042100 — «Design» of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
5B070400 — «Computer engineering and Software» teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B01401 — » NVP » teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B01402 — «FKiS» teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B01703- «Training of foreign language teachers» teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B01701 — «Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature» teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
6B01702 — «Training teachers of Russian language and literature» teaching staff through the eyes of students 2020-2021
Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates 2018-2019, 2019-2020:
5B010400-Primary military training «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute»
5B010800-Physical Culture and sport «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute»
5B070400 — «Computer engineering and software «»Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute»
5B042100 — «Design «»Evaluation of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute»
5B010100 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education, 6B01102 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute»
5B010300 Pedagogy and Psychology, 6B01301 Pedagogy and Psychology — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute»
5B010200 Preschool education and upbringing,6B01201 Preschool education and upbringing — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute»
5B050800 — «Accounting and audit» — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute»
5B050900 — «Finance» — «Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute»
5B051000 «State and local administration — -» Assessment of the quality of the educational program by graduates of the Mardan Saparbayev Institute»
Results of the survey of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019, 2019-2020:
5B010300 — «Pedagogy and Psychology» of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019
5B010100 — «PMNO» teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019
5B010200 — «DOV» Teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019
5B030100 (6B030100) — » Jurisprudence of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019
5B051000 (6B04101) GMU-teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019
5B090200 Tourism-Teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019
5B050800 (6B04102) UIA-Teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019
5B050900 (6B04103) Finance-Teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019
5B010400 (6B01401 — — Initial military training of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019
5B010800 (6B01402 – — Physical culture and sports of teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019
5B070400 (6B06101) – VTiPO teaching staff through the eyes of students 2018-2019