Central Asian Innovation University announces competition for vacant position of teaching staff

I. Department of “Languages and literature”:
7M01702-Foreign Language: two foreign languages under the educational program -4 vacancies candidates of science, 6B02301 – Translation Studies under the educational program – practitioner, 6B01702-candidates of Science under the educational program -2 vacancies.
II. Department of “Pedagogy” :
Candidate of Science in the specialty 6B01201-preschool education -5 vacancies, candidates of Psychology-2 vacancies, candidate of Philosophy -1 vacancies, candidate of Sociology -1 vacancies, candidate of historical sciences -1 vacancies under the educational program 6B01601-history.
III. Department of”primary military training and physical training” :
Under the educational program 6B01404-Physical Culture and sports (candidates of Pedagogical Sciences – 2 vacancies, candidate of Medical Sciences-1 vacancy 6B01401-training of teachers of primary military training-1vakancy candidate of military science or honored coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan on a double diploma of NVP and sports.
IV. to the Department of “Law” :
Under the educational program 6B04203-Law Law (candidate of Law) – 1 vacancy, under the educational program 6B04204 – law teacher Master-1 vacancy.
V. to the Department of “Mathematics, Physics and computer science” :
Candidate of physical and Mathematical Sciences in the educational program 6B01509 – Mathematics-1 vacancy, teacher (Master) in the educational program 6B01501 – Computer Science-1 vacancy.
VI. Department of Chemistry, Biology and ecology:
Candidate of Biological Sciences in the educational program 6B01503-Biology-1 vacancy in the educational program 6B05201 ecology-2nd vacancy.
VII. Department of Technology and information technologies:
Teacher (Master) in the specialty 6B06103 – Computer Engineering and software education-1 vacancy.
VIII. to the Department of “music, vocational training and design” :
Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences with basic music education under the educational program 6B01405-music education – 5 vacancies;
Specialist conducting classes in the educational program 6B01403-Vocational Training-1 vacancy;
Design specialists in the educational program 6B02103-Design-3 vacancies.
IX. The Department of business and tourism:
In the educational program 6B04105 – Economics, candidate of Economic Sciences Associate Professor-1 vacancy, teacher (Master) – 1 vacancy.
To participate in the competition, you must submit the following documents to the Competition Commission of the University:

  1. application addressed to the Rector
  2. documents on Higher Education
  3. list of scientific articles
  4. biography
  5. Photo-4 pieces (3×4)
  6. certificates (not convicted, no mental disorders, not registered in the drug registration)
    General qualification requirements:
  • Senior teacher: higher and (or postgraduate) education, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity of at least 3 years, including at least one year in the position of teacher or at least 3 years of practical work experience in the specialty (profile of activity) and/or academic degree.
  • Teacher: higher professional education (specialist) and /or academic master’s degree.
    Acceptance of documents: from July 19, 2024 to August 20, 2024 from 9-00 to 17-00 pm.
    Address: Shymkent, Baitursynov 80, Madeli kozha Street No. 137/2
    Phone, Fak: 8725/2 53-56-95/, 53-04-21/112/,
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