The Department of “History of Kazakhstan and Natural Sciences” of the Central Asian Innovation University within the framework of academic mobility invited the chief researcher of the State Institution “Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology” Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Academician MANEB Abdullayev B.D. Academician Abdullayev B.D. to lecture the audience on the following topics: 1) Water resources: Current problems and important tasks on the way to their solution; 2) Management of groundwater resources in transboundary aquifers. In the first lecture, an analysis of the current state of water resources in the world, including the state of water resources in the Central Asian region, was given, the results of the project on a scientifically based model of the transboundary aquifer of Tashkent were demonstrated. The second lecture was devoted to the management of groundwater resources in transboundary aquifers. The project “Management of Groundwater Resources of Transboundary Aquifers” (GGRETA/GGRETA project) is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It is carried out by UNESCO IHP (UNESCO-IHP), together with the UNESCO International Center for Groundwater Resources Assessment (IGRAC) with the support of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In this project, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan have jointly developed a scientifically based model of PTGVG.