Features of the use of innovative technologies in the education system in Europe and Asia
Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between our universities, on October 12, 2022, the Department of International Relations and Academic Mobility of CAIU organized an International online Seminar on Academic Mobility with representatives of universities of Ukraine and Poland, Prof. Ruslana Selezneva and Prof. Janusz Sobonem. CAIU was represented at the meeting by the first Vice-rector, Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Azhidinov A.S., Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Duisenov N.Zh., Head of SIC, Candidate of Technical Sciences Meirbekov A.A., Head of the Department of International Relations and Academic Mobility Sartbaeva G.P., head of the test center Imankul N.B.., Head of the HR department Sadikova D.N., specialist of the COWORKING center Smile A.M. During the meeting, there was a discussion of the problems and prospects of organizing academic mobility of students and teaching staff, the possibility of exchanging and disseminating knowledge through guest lectures, conducting joint scientific and methodological seminars; organizing advanced training courses. The main issue of the meeting was the discussion of the process of developing joint and double-degree educational programs Information Systems and Management. All participants of the meeting showed keen interest and voiced their suggestions on ways to find mutually beneficial solutions to the issues under consideration. As a result of the meeting, proposals were made for the exchange of working curricula for drawing up joint educational programs based on them for the next academic year, for drawing up guest lecture programs for the current academic semester, etc. All participants unanimously supported the decision to hold joint scientific and methodological seminars in the areas of research and R&D carried out at the departments participating in this meeting. We hope and believe in our fruitful cooperation!