IT and Design

Tenizbayev Yegenberdi Zhanseytovich
Head Of The Department-Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Member Of The Academy Of Sciences Shymkent City, Madeli Kozha Street-137, CAIU, 4th Floor, 402 Office (Ukg.Olipi@Mail.Ru)

        The mission of the department is to use the knowledge, accumulated experience, corporate intelligence and moral potential to provide high—quality training of IT specialists who are able to apply conceptual knowledge and engineering skills for the design, development of computer hardware and information systems software.

                                                                      History of the department

        In 2015, the Department of Computer Engineering and Design was founded. In 2022, renamed to “Engineering and Information Technology”, the Department is a structural subdivision of the Central Asian Innovation University and implements professional educational programs of higher education for personnel training. The training is conducted in the state and Russian languages. The department trains specialists in the following specialties:

6B06103 – “Computer technology and software”;

6B06106 – “Computer Science” (“6B061- Information and communication technologies”).

The advantage of educational programs is that graduates gain knowledge in the field of information technology and software, which significantly expands the field of their work and serves as a guarantee of their demand.

The staff of the department consists of 35 teachers, 29 of them are full-time. (48% of the teaching staff settlement),

Teachers have state awards:

Tenizbayev E.Zh. – badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” — 2014;

Ignashova L.V. – “The best teacher 2020” in the Enbekshinsky district of Shymkent

During the entire existence of the department, its scientists and teaching staff carried out relevant research and original applied developments that meet the challenges of rapidly developing computer technology and software.

                                                                    Material and technical base

The department is equipped with six modern computer classrooms, projectors, interactive whiteboards, there is a laboratory for robotics and 3D printing. All computers have Internet access. Special classrooms are equipped with various visual aids and multimedia equipment. There is a constant development of information and educational materials for students.

The department has a student scientific club “IT Club”, the head is A.P. Turakulov, in which 25 students are engaged. The activities of the club are robotics, additive technologies, SMM, programming languages.


Educational program 6B06106 – “Computer science”  

The purpose of the educational program is  to train competitive highly qualified specialists who clearly understand the relationship between applied applications and computer systems, possess IT-innovative technologies, have practical skills and leadership qualities, and are able to work from the point of view of theoretical and mathematical perspectives of information technologies that meet the needs of modern technological society…read more

Teaching staff of the Department of Engineering and Information Technology for the 2024-2024  academic year



Full name

Job title

Academic degree, title


Tenizbaev E.Zh.

Head of Department, Associate Professor



Erkinaliev R.N.

Associate Professor



Zhukova T.A.

Associate Professor



Ignashova L.V.

Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Digitalization of CAIS



Ospanov S.S.

Associate Professor



Kambarova O.B.

Associate Professor



Rogovoy A.V.

Associate Professor



Akhmedov A.B.

Associate Professor



Koshkinbaeva M.Zh.

Senior Lecturer



Yunusova A.A.

Senior Lecturer



Yunusova D.U.

Senior Lecturer



Erembesov K.K.

Senior Lecturer



Ospanova R.D.

Senior Lecturer



Bimenov M.A.

Senior Lecturer



Torebay N.D.

Senior Lecturer



Abishov M.S.

Senior Lecturer

candidate of agricultural sciences,


Zhailaubay A.M.

Senior Lecturer



Balgimbekova U. B.

Senior Lecturer



Abishova G.B.

Senior Lecturer



Tolemanova A. O.

Senior Lecturer



Abdrakhmanova G.M.

Senior Lecturer



Malik G.Zh.

Senior Lecturer



Ermanova D.R.

Senior Lecturer



Baygabylova E.K.




Salybek L.T.

Senior Lecturer



Niyazkul M.A.




Berdikul E.T.




Shinzhigit B,B.




Imankul N.B.




Synabay A.Zh.




Zheztay D M.



Specialists invited from production:


Full name

Job title

Academic degree, title

Main activity


Musin S. U.

Senior Lecturer


Head of IT Department of Khadisha Hotel LLP


Sultamuratov B.

Senior Lecturer


Chief Engineer of the branch of JSC “ Kazteleradio 


Beiseev S. A.

Senior Lecturer


Enterprise of the Republic of Moldova on the right of economic management  Kazstandard Institute of Standardization and Metrology ” of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent and Turkestan region Branch Director   


Dendibai M. K.



Director of TOO “ Qurylys Design 


Omar N. M.



programmer at “ Uly – Tau – Service 


Omarov O. T.





Serikbay N.N.



Engineer – programmer CAIU


The research work of the Department “Engineering and Information Technologies” is carried out on the basis of the main topic of the department “Design and development of mathematical models, information systems, objects of art activity and design for the implementation of sustainable development tasks by application sectors”, scientific supervisor – Ph.D., Associate Professor Tenizbaev E.Zh., the topic is registered in the NC GNTE, state registration number 0121RKI0113.

The department has a problem research laboratory on the problems of information technology, computer graphics and design, which involves teaching staff and students of the department, the head is Ph.D., Associate Professor Rogovoy A.V. The results of the laboratory are theoretical patterns, packages of applied programs for solving problems of science and practice, practical recommendations and methods, research of qualitative properties, development of scientifically based design recommendations. In 2022, within the framework of the laboratory’s activities, an internal grant of CAIU in the amount of 1,500,000 tenge was won on the topic “Design and development of software and volumetric graphic models for the implementation of additive technologies”, aimed at purchasing a 3D printer, materials and software, designing and debugging its own software, developing three-dimensional design models, algorithmization and the software implementation of their construction.

The department carries out contracts for research and development work with the participation of teaching staff and students:

– contract for Research and development work No. 409-051 of 31.08.2022. “Design and implementation of the management system and financial and economic planning of the enterprise in the conditions of Kazakhstan and international legislation on the basis of electronic document management with the implementation of a trilingual business environment” with MAS & Company LLP (31.08.2022-30.06.2027);

— Research and Development contract No. 409-0300 dated 10.08.2022. “Design and development of educational materials and equipment for the implementation of correctional and inclusive education of children with disabilities using additive technologies based on psychological and pedagogical analysis, therapeutic and adaptive physical culture” with MAS & Company LLP (10.08.2022-10.08.2027);

— Research and Development contract No. 409-0241 dated 27.04.2021. “Design and development of a virtual and real solid-state 3D model of a recreation area” with IP “Kuatbayev B.A.” (Sports and fitness center MarS) (

27.04.2021-27.04.2023). Ph.D., Associate Professor Rogov A.V. is a co-executor of the following grants of the Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

— AP14871460 “Criterion of minimality of mixed-type operators”, Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, Almaty (2022-2024);

— AP08856042 “Spectral analysis of the multidimensional Cauchy problem for elliptic and parabolic equations”, Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, Almaty (2020-2022). Institute of Advanced Training of the branch of JSC NCP “ORLEU” in Turkestan region and Shymkent;

— 12/13/2022-12/14/2022 a meeting of the direction “Technology, information technology and design” of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists “Knowledge and professional skills – key landmarks of the modern education system” was organized, which was attended by students of schools and colleges, students, undergraduates and university teachers, Shymkent, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. According to the results of the conference, the following students were awarded diplomas: for the 2nd place — B. Karsakova (MICT 22-1), N. Zhumabaev (VTiPO 21-2); for the 3rd place — A.A. Zhakyp (VTiPO 22-1), Zh.E. Orazbek. (VTiPO 22-1), Farkhatova K.F. (Infk 20-1); for active participation — Shibanov A.S. (VTIPORE-21-3), Shigapov I.R. (Vtipore-21-3), Skubko V.S. (Vtipore-21-3).

Teaching staff of the department actively implement the results of research in the educational process and production. For 2021-2023, teachers Zhailaubai A.M., Baigabylova E.K., Zhukova T.A., Rogovoy A.V., Ignashova L.V., Tenizbaev E.Zh., Yunusova D.U., Turakulov A.P. received 3 acts of introduction into production and 12 acts of introduction into the educational process.

Annual meetings of sections of international scientific conferences, events within the framework of the Decade of Science of CAIU are organized:

— On 21.04.2023, an online teleconference exhibition “SMART technologies” was organized jointly with Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia, Nazarbayev University, Satbayev University, Miras University;

— 12.04.2023-13.04.2023 a meeting of the section “Scientific research in Mathematics and Information Technology” of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Central Asian Higher Education Space: Regional Cooperation, national Reforms” was held, which was attended by students and teachers of CAIU, representatives of the Voskhod branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Baikonur, Russian Federation, Astana International University.

Exhibition organized by students of the Department of Computer Engineering and Design
City Olympiad in Fashion and Interior Design

Drawings of participants of the Olympiad on the theme “My city” and assigned places.
Open lesson “Existing information technologies”, organized by teachers of the Department “Information Technologies and Design”.
The staff of the Department of Information Technologies and Design congratulated three graduates of the Tasaryk children’s home and presented them with gifts.

Scientists of the department publish scientific articles, including in peer-reviewed scientific publications. In particular, Ph.D., Associate Professor Zhukova T.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor Ignashova L.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor Tenizbaev E.Zh., Ph.D., Associate Professor Rogov A.V. published the following articles in journals included in the databases Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus:

— Ignashova L., Brener A., Altukhov A., Zhukova T., Tenizbayev Y. Modeling the Clusters Aggregation and Aggregate Stability of Suspensions// Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2023, vol. 101, pp. 175-180.

— Rogovoy A.V., Kalmenov T.S., Kabanikhin S.I. Hadamard’s example and solvability of the mixed Cauchy problem for the multidimensional Gellerstedt equation// Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 2022, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 891-904.

Intellectual property rights are regularly registered, in particular, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.V. Rogov received the following copyright certificates:

— No. 37149 dated 14.06.2023 for the work of science “Design and development of 3D models of design elements using additive technologies: scientific work” — together with students Ermentai N.A., Toleutaeva M.Zh.;

— No. 36210 dated 25.05.2023 for the textbook “Mathematical Analysis: textbook”;

— No. 27007 dated 09.06.2022 for the program for Computer “Information theory Electronic textbook”;

— 18658 from 11.06.2021 on the computer program “Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Electronic textbook”.

Ignashova Lyudmila Viktorovna, Zhukova Tatyana Alekseevna, Kurvanbekova Madina Furkatbekovna, Shibanov Andrey Sergeevich, Sabirov Rinat Borisovich author’s service № 37996 from 18.07.2023 for scientific work “projection and development of mobile links for the history of Kazakhstan”

PPS department takes active part in international scientific conferences, congresses, symposiums:

– International Mathematical conference “Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications” FAIA, 02-07.10.2023, Turkey (Rogovoy A.V.);

– VII all-Russian Congress of Mathematicians of the tyurka world (TWMS Congress-2023), 20-23.09.2023, Turkestan (Zhukova T. A., Ignashova L. V., Rogovoy A.V., Tenizbayev E. zh.);

– XIV international scientific and practical conference “Development, education, culture: integration trends in the modern world”, 11.04.2023-14.04.2023, Oslo, Norway (Zhailaubay a.m., Mamadieva K. H., Abduahit M. K., Aybota A., Sakhova S. O.);

– Traditional International Mathematical conference, 05-07.04. 2023, Almaty, IMM (Rogovoy A.V.);

– International scientific and scientific-methodical conference “Mathematics, Computer Science and digital technologies in training and scientific research”, 07-10.12.2022, EANU im. L. N. Gumileva, Astana (Sultanova G. A., Tenizbayev E. Zh.);

— XXXVII international scientific and practical conference “Modern ways of solving the latest problems in science”, 20-23.09.2022, Varna, Bulgaria (Abduahit M. K., Zholdasova A. Sh., Zhailaubay a.m., Demeubaeva U. O., Bobeeva B. U., Alipova M. K., Niyazkul M. T., Mamadieva K. H. The main purpose of the event:;

– XIX International Scientific and practical conference “Modern problems in science”, 17-20.05.2022 Vancouver, Canada (Zholdasova A. Sh., Abduahit M. K., Demeubaeva U. O., Sabanbayeva R. U., Anarbayev a.m., Nurlybekov S. D.);

-XVIII international scientific and Practical Conference “Advancing in research, practice and education”, 10-13.05.2022, Florence, Italy (Zholdasova A. Sh., Abduahit M. K., Demeubaeva U. O., Sabanbayeva R. U., Badambek B. K., Tengizbayev E. zh., Tuymebay zh., Mamadieva K. H., Bobeeva B.. U.);

– XV International Scientific and practical conference ” Multidisciplinary academic notes. Science research and practice”, 19-22.04.2022, Madrid, Spain (Bobeeva B. U., Abduahit M. K., Zhailaubay a.m., Zholdybayeva G. T., Niyazkul M. T., Tengizbayev E. zh.);

– XIV international scientific and practical conference “Theoretical and science bases of actual tasks”, 12-15.04.2022, Lisbon, Portugal (Abduahit M. K., Tuymebay zh.K., Zhailaubay a.m., Zholdybayeva G. T., Niyazkul M. T., Bobeeva B. U., Tengizbayev E. zh., Sakhova S. O.);

— IX International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation Management and Technology in the Era of Globalization”, 05-07.01.2022, Edinburgh, Great Britain (Abduahit M. K., Mamadieva K. H., Tuymebay zh.K., Zholdybayeva G. T., Zholdasova A. Sh., Zhailaubay a.m., Demeubaeva U. O., Tengizbayev E. zh., Baigabylova E. K.).


On April 27, 2021, the Department of Information Technologies and Design held a round table in the Institute’s library dedicated to Yuri Kungurtsev’s book “The Light of an Unbreakable Star”about the life of Mardan Baimurzauly.

22 Nauryz🎉 – On the holiday of Nauryz, students of the Department of Computer Engineering and Design prepared an event for teachers of the Institute of Academician Mardan Saparbayev. Enjoy the video report of the holiday and all the best to you!



  • Association of the Society “Researcher” of the Small Academy of Sciences of South Kazakhstan region;
  • Vitte Moscow State University
  • Saint Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University)
  • Jalal-Abad State University, Kyrgyz Republic
  • Tambov State University n.a. G. R. Derzhavina, Russian Federation
  • Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev

To conduct professional practices, the department has cooperation agreements with leading organizations of the city:
DigitalSystems LLP
Kom City Shymkent LLP
Digital Implementations LLP
ARTtechnology LLP
Shymkent University
Lux Soft LLP
SCKP “Polytechnic College”.

The development of a number of large projects within the framework of economic agreements is of crucial importance for the development of the department:

1) Khozdogovor with LLP “TZHS” (TURKISTAN ZHOLSERVIS) for the implementation of research “Design and feasibility study of the plant for the production of asphalt mix” for the period from 01.11.2014 to 31.10.2017 in the total amount of 1500,000 tenge.

In addition, our teachers actively participate in the development of relevant topics and obtain copyrights for these developments:

Rogov A.V. Author’s certificate: No. 7227 dated 24.12.2019 for the electronic textbook on the discipline “Mathematics “(for students of technical and physical-mathematical specialties)”; No. 5473 dated 25.09.2019 for the computer program ” Miras.App”, 2017; No. 2469 for the utility model “Device for research of integrated circuits”, registered in the State Register of Utility Models of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 16.10.2017; copyright object under the title “Automated educational process management system of a higher educational institution” (computer program) (Certificate IS 004220, entry in the register for No. 0678 dated April 14, 2016, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan); Tenizbayev E. Zh., Zhukova T. A., Ignashova L. V. received a certificate of state registration of rights to a copyright object called ” Automated Educational Process Management System of a higher educational institution “(computer program) (Certificate IS 006930, entry in the register for No. 2717 dated December 26, 2016, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

Teachers of the department regularly publish scientific articles in journals with a non-zero impact factor, in which teachers test their scientific research.

In order to keep up with the times, teachers of the department undergo advanced training, both at the national and international levels (Russia, Kyrgyzstan). they conduct master classes and share their experience.

Practice – 6B06106 – “Computer science”

According to the educational program 6B06106 – “Computer science”, five types of practice are provided – educational practice (2 semester, 2 credits), Industrial practice (4 semester, 3 credits), industrial and professional practice (6 semester, 5 credits), industrial qualification practice (8 semester, 10 credits), Pre-graduate practice (8 semester, 9 credits) are implemented within the time limits determined by the academic calendar and individual plan. According to the curriculum, the labor intensity of the practice is 29 credits. For all types of practice, the department has internship programs according to the educational program.

For the internship, contracts were signed with the institutions of Shymkent: Kazteleradio JSC, a branch of Shymkent and Turkestan region, Paola-MB LLP, No. 63 21.09.2023 “NUR-COM-TEL” LLP, No.6 09/20/2023. “Horeca Technology” LLP.

Employment 6B06106 – “Computer science”

The employment of graduates is one of the main important indicators of the quality of the educational program. The educational program was opened in the 2021-2022 academic year, the dynamics of graduate employment during this period amounted to 66.7% in the 2022-2023 academic year.

At the Department of Information Technologies and Design, in accordance with the curriculum, the following activities are carried out: academic, pre-production, and pre-graduate practice.
Each type of professional practice has goals, objectives and a program, based on which the corresponding base of professional practice is determined
The student practice management procedure includes:
analysis of information about the availability of internship locations;
organizational support for planning practices at the place of their implementation;
organizational and methodological support by graduate departments for the implementation of internships;
distribution of students by internship locations;
evaluation of practice results.
Practice bases of the Department “Information Technologies and Design” :
To conduct professional practices, the department has cooperation agreements with leading organizations of the city:
DigitalSystems LLP
Kom City Shymkent LLP
Digital Implementations LLP
ARTtechnology LLP
Shymkent University
Lux Soft LLP
SCKP “Polytechnic College”.